Embryonic in spanish


pronunciation: embɹ̩ioʊnɑɹ̩ioʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

embryonic = embrionario, en estado embrionario. 

Example: This illustrates both the complexity and the interdependent nature of what is still an embryonic industry.


» embryonic stem cell = célula madre embrionaria.

Example: But embryonic stem cells are better because they are more plentiful and easier to extract than amniotic or adult stem cells.

» in an embryonic stage = en un estado embrionario.

Example: The major conclusion was that services by college libraries for external students were varied and in an embryonic stage.

» in embryonic stage = en estado embrionario.

Example: Major conclusions were that services by college libraries for external students were varied and in an embryonic stage.

» in its embryonic stage = en su estado embrionario.

Example: Information science may still be in its embryonic stage.

Embryonic synonyms

early in spanish: temprano, pronunciation: ɜrli part of speech: adjective, adverb embryo in spanish: embrión, pronunciation: embrioʊ part of speech: noun immature in spanish: inmaduro, pronunciation: ɪmətjʊr part of speech: adjective embryonal in spanish: embrionario, pronunciation: embriənəl part of speech: adjective embryotic in spanish: embrionario, pronunciation: embrutɪk part of speech: adjective in embryo in spanish: en embrion, pronunciation: ɪnembrioʊ
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