Emblematic in spanish


pronunciation: emblemɑtikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

emblematic = emblemático, simbólico. 

Example: The image of the white peacock stands out in the text as emblematic or allegorical.


» be emblematic of = ser emblemático de, ser característico de.

Example: A system of performance appraisal (PA) is emblematic of twentieth century organisations, with probably more than 80 percent of all libraries of any size using PA.

Emblematic synonyms

exemplary in spanish: ejemplar, pronunciation: ɪgzemplɜri part of speech: adjective representative in spanish: representante, pronunciation: reprəzentətɪv part of speech: noun, adjective typical in spanish: típico, pronunciation: tɪpəkəl part of speech: adjective symbolic in spanish: simbólico, pronunciation: sɪmbɑlɪk part of speech: adjective typic in spanish: tipico, pronunciation: tɪpɪk part of speech: adjective emblematical in spanish: emblematico, pronunciation: embləmætɪkəl part of speech: adjective symbolical in spanish: simbólico, pronunciation: sɪmbɑlɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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