Embedded in spanish


pronunciation: inkɹ̩ustɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

embed [imbed, -USA] = incluir, insertar, incrustar, integrar. 

Example: String searching is a technique for locating a string of characters, even if it is embedded within a larger term.


» be well embedded in = estar muy arraigado en.

Example: Controlled indexing languages are well embedded in many of the bibliographic and catalogue databases created today.

embedded = inserto, interno. 

Example: It works a treat and handles the embedded CRLF perfectly.


» become + embedded = incrustrarse.

Example: Habitualized actions, they further suggest, become embedded in human behavior and provide the psychological gain of narrowing choices.

» be embedded = estar incluido.

Example: String searching is a technique for locating a string of characters, even if it is embedded within a larger term.

» culturally-embedded = arraigado en la cultura, integrado en la cultura, que forma parte de la cultura.

Example: Local knowledge is knowledge that is 'unique to a given culture or society, which is oral, rural, holistic, powerless, and culturally-embedded and the result of 'dynamic innovation' although informal and unsystematised'.

» embedded field = campo inserto.

Example: A linking field is composed of subfields, each of which contains an embedded field made up of tag, indicators, and field content including subfield markers.

» embedded librarian = bibliotecario integrado. [Bibliotecario que participa activamente, generalmente en un curso virtual, para ayudar a los alumnos]

Example: A few faculty have embedded librarians in their online courses, where librarians provide timely research advice and answer reference questions.

» embedded link = enlace hipertextual inserto. [En Internet, elemento de una página web, en general una imagen, que está en otro lugar y que aparece allí mediante un enlace]

Example: We'll call the relationship bewteen a document and an embedded image or object or subdocument an 'embedded link'.

imbed [embed, -UK] = incluir, insertar, incrustar, integrar. 

Example: String searching is a technique for locating a string of characters, even if it is embedded within a larger term.

Embedded synonyms

integrated in spanish: integrado, pronunciation: ɪntəgreɪtəd part of speech: adjective enclosed in spanish: adjunto, pronunciation: enkloʊzd part of speech: adjective
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