Embarrassment in spanish


pronunciation: beɹ̩guenθɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

embarrassment = vergüenza, bochorno, turbación, empacho, molestia, apuro, aprieto, sentido del ridículo. 

Example: Patrons who are reluctant to seek assistance in using reference books or the card catalog, feel no embarrassment about seeking help in the 'automated' setting.


» be red with embarrassment = estar rojo de vergüenza.

Example: So, I take it back; Clarisse's face wasn't red with anger, it was red with embarrassment.

» cringe with + embarrassment = morirse de vergüenza.

Example: What are the books that you loved when you were younger, but now make you cringe with embarrassment?.

» embarrassment of riches = demasiado donde elegir.

Example: The article 'An embarrassment of riches, or just an embarrassment?' omments on some recent Australian collection development policies.

» much to + Posesivo + embarrassment = para + Posesivo + vergüenza.

Example: That made her more restless, and she entered the block and sat near the staircase much to her discomfort and embarrassment.

» squirm with + embarrassment = no saber dónde meterse de vergüenza, morirse de vergüenza.

Example: This horrible caricature is supposed to be an Olympic symbol to be proud of, yet at this moment the British public can only be squirming with embarrassment.

» turn + red with embarrassment = ponerse rojo de vergüenza.

Example: It gave me some sort of sinister pleasure to see their faces turn red with embarrassment.

Embarrassment synonyms

plethora in spanish: plétora, pronunciation: pleθɜrə part of speech: noun superfluity in spanish: superfluidad, pronunciation: supɜrfluəti part of speech: noun nimiety in spanish: nimiedad, pronunciation: nɪmiəti part of speech: noun overplus in spanish: exceso, pronunciation: oʊvɜrpləs part of speech: noun

Embarrassment antonyms

disembarrassment pronunciation: dɪsɪmberəsmənt part of speech: noun
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