Embarrassing in spanish


pronunciation: embɑɹ̩ɑθoʊsoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

embarrass = avergonzar, humillar, dejar en ridículo, hacer a Alguien pasar vergüenza, desconcertar, turbar. 

Example: Native American children should have books that do not demean or embarrass them or their heritage nor put them on a pedestal.

embarrassing = embarazoso, violento, penoso, lamentable, vergonzoso, bochornoso. 

Example: This is highly embarrassing for the innocent reader and for the apologetic library staff.


» be embarrassing = dar fatiga, ser lamentable, ser vergonzoso, ser bochornoso.

Example: It was equally embarrassing to see her behave in such an obsequious manner.

» embarrassing failure = fracaso vergonzoso, fracaso bochornoso, fracaso lamentable.

Example: Others have said that the painting lacks proportion, perspective, a sense of decorum and that it has been 'an embarrassing failure'.

» embarrassing situation = situación embarazosa, vergüenza ajena.

Example: Where was the most embarrassing situation where you passed gas?.

» unembarrassing = poco embarazoso.

Example: If there must be formal introductions and votes of thanks, at least see that there are no lengthy public speeches that pre-empt the visitor's reason for being there at all, and that matters are kept as unembarrassing as possible.

Embarrassing synonyms

awkward in spanish: torpe, pronunciation: ɑkwɜrd part of speech: adjective hard in spanish: difícil, pronunciation: hɑrd part of speech: adjective difficult in spanish: difícil, pronunciation: dɪfəkəlt part of speech: adjective sticky in spanish: pegajoso, pronunciation: stɪki part of speech: adjective unpleasant in spanish: desagradable, pronunciation: ənplezənt part of speech: adjective unenviable in spanish: poco envidiable, pronunciation: ənenviəbəl part of speech: adjective mortifying in spanish: mortificante, pronunciation: mɔrtəfaɪɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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