Embarrassed in spanish


pronunciation: deskoʊnθeɹ̩tɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

embarrass = avergonzar, humillar, dejar en ridículo, hacer a Alguien pasar vergüenza, desconcertar, turbar. 

Example: Native American children should have books that do not demean or embarrass them or their heritage nor put them on a pedestal.

embarrassed = avergonzado, azorado, confuso, violento. 

Example: Not surprisingly, the girls went away embarrassed, and the mother, if she was any better informed, was certainly none the wiser.


» be embarrassed at = sentirse violento por, sentirse molesto por.

Example: I have been extremely embarrassed at having to help people -- Blacks, women, and others -- through the subject heading list.

» feel + embarrassed = sentir vergüenza, sentirse avergonzado, tener sentido del ridículo.

Example: Feeling embarrassed stems from our primordial desire to be accepted by our society -- our survival used to depend upon being included in a group.

» feel + embarrassed for + Nombre = sentir vergüenza ajena.

Example: Looking around the classroom, I could see I was not the only one feeling embarrassed for her.

» get + embarrassed = sentir vergüenza, sentirse avergonzado.

Example: People having clammy hands usually get embarrassed or feel awkward to shake hands with others.

Embarrassed synonyms

mortified in spanish: mortificado, pronunciation: mɔrtəfaɪd part of speech: adjective abashed in spanish: avergonzado, pronunciation: əbæʃt part of speech: adjective chagrined in spanish: disgustado, pronunciation: ʃəgrɪnd part of speech: adjective uncomfortable in spanish: incómodo, pronunciation: ənkʌmfɜrtəbəl part of speech: adjective humiliated in spanish: humillado, pronunciation: hjumɪlieɪtɪd part of speech: adjective discomfited in spanish: desconcertado, pronunciation: dɪskʌmfaɪtɪd part of speech: adjective discomposed in spanish: descompuesto, pronunciation: dɪskəmpoʊzd part of speech: adjective
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