Embargo in spanish


pronunciation: embɑɹ̩goʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

embargo [embargoes, -pl.] = embargo. 

Example: The success of the investment campaign has led some to call for a total embargo, which would include an academic boycott and a halt to the sale of books.


» lift + an embargo = levantar un embargo.

Example: Over the last several months, the United States has expressed strong opposition to the EU's proposed plan to lift the arms embargo on China.

» time embargo = embargo temporal. [Período durante el cual un producto no se publica o se cobra por su uso antes de pasar a acceso libre]

Example: If you don't want the software to be published immediately, you can purchase a limited time embargo for up to two years.

» trade embargo = embargo comercial.

Example: Tariff barriers, currency restrictions and trade embargoes often make the task of the librarian impossible if the intention is to plan the free flow of material and information as openly as possible.

Embargo synonyms

trade stoppage in spanish: paro comercial, pronunciation: treɪdstɑpɪdʒ part of speech: noun trade embargo in spanish: embargo comercial, pronunciation: treɪdembɑrgoʊ part of speech: noun
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