Email in spanish


pronunciation: emɑil part of speech: noun
In gestures

e-mail (electronic mail)1 = correo electrónico, correo-e, emilio. 

Example: The advantages and problems of e-mail for library applications are also examined.


» bulk e-mails = mensajes electrónicos en masa, correo electrónico en masa.

Example: She frequently sends bulk e-mails to the teenagers in her community, thus 'gently' reminding them to visit the site.

» email account = cuenta de correo electrónico.

Example: University or industrial employment contracts seldom promise email accounts, space on servers, or other access rights.

» email address = dirección de correo electrónico.

Example: Details posted included dates of birth, home address, email address, place of work along with the information about family and friends.

» e-mail alert = servicio de novedades a través del correo electrónico.

Example: Individuals will be able to request personalized e-mail alerts to the latest scientific and clinical research findings, news, and funding opportunities.

» email attachment = fichero adjunto.

Example: While email attachments are a popular and convenient way to send documents, they are also a common source of viruses.

» e-mail list = lista de correo, lista de distribución, foro de debate.

Example: This paper discusses the various Internet search tools such as File Transfer Protocol, search engines, and e-mail lists, with medical information examples.

» e-mail literate = con conocimientos sobre el correo electrónico, capaz de usar el correo electrónico, familiarizado con el correo electrónico.

Example: As the general public becomes increasingly e-mail literate, e-mail reference will most likely be considered an essential service of public library reference departments.

» e-mail signature = firma de correo electrónico.

Example: Still another librarian includes the Website address as part of her e-mail signature = Además, otra bibliotecaria incluye la dirección de la página web en su firma de correo electrónico.

» junk e-mail = correo basura.

Example: Recent statistics about the volume of junk e-mail are so astounding as to leave any reasonable person gobsmacked.

e-mail [email]2 = enviar por correo electrónico, mandar por correo electrónico, enviar un correo electrónico, mandar un correo electrónico. 

Example: Any feasible reference question is answered in 15 minutes and e-mailed within a day.

Email synonyms

e-mail in spanish: correo electrónico, pronunciation: imeɪl part of speech: noun, verb electronic mail in spanish: correo electrónico, pronunciation: ɪlektrɑnɪkmeɪl part of speech: noun netmail in spanish: correo de red, pronunciation: netmeɪl part of speech: verb
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