Else in spanish


pronunciation: mɑs part of speech: adverb
In gestures



» about this and that and everything else = de esto, de lo otro y de lo de más allá; de todo un poco.

Example: They talked for a good half hour about this and that and everything else while their boys played.

» above all else = principalmente.

Example: Bowers' definition, above all else, stresses the variety of purposes served by this study.

» above everything else = sobre todo.

Example: The province of bibliography is, above everything else, to relate all this to the text which it was the author's original intention to have written.

» all else = todo lo demás.

Example: If all else fails, the item may need to be retrieved from the stacks.

» and Heaven knows what else = y Dios sabe qué más.

Example: They're going to have department stores, and restaurants, and movie theatres, and bowling alleys, the whole nine yards, and Heaven knows what else.

» anybody else = cualquiera, cualquier otra persona.

Example: On first thought, it might appear that an author would be the best person to write the abstract, since presumably he or she knows more about the paper than anybody else.

» anything else = algo más, nada más. [En frase positiva "algo más", en frase negativa "nada más"]

Example: His work is criticized for its triviality and quantity (the argument goes that children need never and might never read anything else= En frase positiva "algo más", en frase negativa "nada más".

» anything else = cualquier otra cosa.

Example: Now this may sound somewhat Draconian as an approach to the problem, but I really do believe, and I have studied this and thought about it very carefully for many years, that this is the only answer, that anything else is just an amelioration of the problem and is building up problems for the future.

» anywhere else = en cualquier otra parte, en cualquier otra parte, en cualquier otro lugar.

Example: The answer was that it could be imported but that it was often no more plentiful anywhere else in the institution than in SLIS.

» as with everything else = al igual que con todo lo demás, como con todo lo demás.

Example: As with everything else that the president says his statement was once again taken out of contex.

» at someone else's expense = a cuenta de otro, a costa de otro, a expensas de otro.

Example: The article is entitled 'How to promote the library at someone else's expense'.

» before anything else = ante todo, antes de todo, antes que nada.

Example: But realizing this opportunity will, before anything else, require a huge investment in connectivity.

» beyond all else = más que ninguna otra cosa, más que todo lo demás.

Example: Yet the speed of action, the intricacy of trails, the detail of mental pictures, is awe-inspiring beyond all else in nature.

» everybody else = todos los demás, los demás.

Example: The problem is most of them totally distrust everybody else.

» everyone else = todos los demás, los demás.

Example: In complete fairness to him, he always keeps busy on things that have to be done, and he takes his turn at the reference desk like everyone else.

» everywhere else = en lo demás, en el resto, en cualquier otro lugar, en cualquier otra parte.

Example: What bothers me is we are very quick as a people to recognize racism everywhere else except the one place that truly affects all of us.

» have + nowhere else to turn = no tener otro sitio donde recurrir .

Example: Cuts in library budgets won't turn off the Internet for wealthy or middle-class families but it will certainly do for people who have nowhere else to turn.

» hear + somebody else's opinion = oír la opinión de otra persona, oír la opinión de otro, escuchar la opinión de otra persona, escuchar la opinión de otro.

Example: I get very enthusiastic because the people who attend those meetings are knowledge-seekers who want to learn and hear somebody else's opinion.

» hear + someone else's opinion = oír la opinión de otra persona, oír la opinión de otro, escuchar la opinión de otra persona, escuchar la opinión de otro.

Example: Maybe she should talk to Alex about what was going on -- it could be good to get it off her chest and hear someone else's opinion.

» if nothing else = aunque no sirva para otra cosa, aunque no sea para otra cosa.

Example: If nothing else, the sad story of Dialog and the American Chemical Society may serve to chart the waters a little better for other organisations in the field.

» like nobody else (on the planet) = como nadie, mejor que nadie, como ningún otro, mejor que ningún otro.

Example: Our entire economy is based on the consumption of goods, but we also waste -- we waste food like nobody else on the planet.

» little else = poco más.

Example: Without dedication, little else will be achieved.

» more than anything else = más que nada, ante todo.

Example: But more than anything else, I'd like to thank him for humbling me, for talking to me and showing me the world through a different lens.

» much else = muchas otras cosas.

Example: Our current professional syllabus includes much else, including library history and library co-operation.

» much else besides = muchas otras cosas más.

Example: Besides the cultural pursuits you can enjoy, Glasgow offers visitors sporting opportunities, over 70 parks and gardens, and much else besides.

» nobody else = nadie más.

Example: I threw the book out because you're not living in our town where nobody else seems to be interested in Trollope.

» no one else = ninguna otra persona.

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS does not get a new document number, but reserves this document for you, so that no one else can change it while you are working on it.

» nothing else = nada más.

Example: This was the classical expression of the ideology of the finding catalog; the view that the catalog was a simple list designed to help one find a particular book in the library and nothing else.

» on behalf of someone else = de parte de otro.

Example: Taylor and Johnson's figure of 11.3 per cent of users being there 'on behalf of someone else' raises a point which is all too seldom discussed as a feature of the public library service.

» on top of everything (else) = además de todo esto/eso, para colmo, para más inri, para mayor inri, por añadidura.

Example: On top of everything else, these corporations sponsor 'scientific' studies where their product is pitted against a worse convenience product.

» or else = o si no.

Example: Books are either commissioned by publishers, or else authors (or their agents) offer scripts and ideas to publishing firms.

» quite apart from anything else = además de otras cosas.

Example: Quite apart from anything else, it is drearily boring, the tedium exacerbated by the grating monotony of Stein's voice.

» somebody else = otra persona, alguien más.

Example: You can very frequently go into a large library and have extreme difficulty finding somebody to help you because there are 40 people sitting out in back doing something which somebody else is doing down the road.

» somebody else, not me = otra persona, Rita la cantaora.

Example: If you want somebody to do that, you get somebody else, not me.

» someone else = otra persona, alguien más.

Example: The searcher is an information worker trying to extract documents or information on behalf of someone else.

» something else = otra cosa, algo diferente.

Example: In particular, when one command means one thing in one system and something else in another system this is likely to lead to confusion.

» somewhere else = a otro sitio, en otro sitio.

Example: This means that a reader accustomed to finding 'his' books on a particular shelf may well be aggrieved to find that they have been moved somewhere else.

» Verbo + nothing else but = no + Verbo + otra cosa que.

Example: At other times they may be doing nothing else but relax: passing the time in a pleasant if untaxing recreation.

» what else = qué otra cosa, qué más.

Example: 'You know I'm an easy-going person, but this has made me furious! I don't know what else to do'.

» what else but...? = ¿qué si no...?.

Example: What else but this quality of individual feeling and intelligence running through the network of librarians working sympathetically and single-mindedly throughout the community can determine the public value of our national library system?.

» whatever else = cualquier otra cosa.

Example: Mainstream media tends to focus on the negative, on the sensational, and nearly all of that catastrophic -- hurricanes and nuclear war and terrorism and whatever else.

» where else...? = ¿de dónde si no...?.

Example: Where else is it to get this information?.

» who else...? = ¿quién más...?, ¿quién si no...?.

Example: In principle he is correct but who else can lay down the law to prevent the disgusting antics we saw in Goa?.

» who else but...? = ¿quién si no...?.

Example: Who else but a librarian would give an eye-tooth to work at a bookstore on the weekend?.

Else synonyms

other in spanish: otro, pronunciation: ʌðɜr part of speech: adjective additional in spanish: adicional, pronunciation: ədɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective
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