Elite in spanish


pronunciation: elite part of speech: noun
In gestures

elite = élite. 

Example: Those who question the relevance of IT express alarm at the rise of an electronic elite which has the potential to exclude others from access to electronic information.


» elite list = lista de élite, lista selecta.

Example: There was a frenzied last-minute rush by Indians to do their bit to see the Taj Mahal through to the elite list of the new Seven Wonders of the World.

» intellectual elite, the = élite intelectual, la.

Example: The rise of a pro-Catholic segment with the beginning of modernity in the 19th century, particularly among the intellectual elite, is chronicled.

» political elite, the = élite política, la.

Example: A recent study of the political elite in Iran reveals that the upper circles have very little in common with the masses, in terms of family background, life-style, language, educational experience, & cultural values.

» ruling elite, the = élite gobernante, la; clase gobernante, la.

Example: The book examines the participation of the ruling elite in masquerade balls in the 18th century.

» technical elite, the = élite tecnológica, la. [Personas que poseen conocimientos básicos en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías]

Example: Research indicates that public libraries are vital in diminishing the information gap between the technical elite and the technical poor = La investigación existente nos indica que las bibliotecas públicas son muy importantes para reducir las diferencias en información entre los que poseen los conocimientos básicos en las nuevas tecnologías y los que no.

Elite synonyms

elect in spanish: electo, pronunciation: ɪlekt part of speech: verb, noun selected in spanish: seleccionado, pronunciation: səlektəd part of speech: adjective
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