Eliminate in spanish


pronunciation: eliminɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

eliminate = eliminar. 

Example: Obviously, computers and the use of notation in computerised systems may place additional constraints upon the nature of the notation, or may eliminate the need to consider some of the characteristics below.


» eliminate + at a stroke = eliminar de un golpe.

Example: The last 250 entries in the list have therefore been eliminated from the search at a stroke.

Eliminate synonyms

pass in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun void in spanish: vacío, pronunciation: vɔɪd part of speech: noun, adjective obviate in spanish: obviar, pronunciation: ɑbvieɪt part of speech: verb eradicate in spanish: erradicar, pronunciation: ɪrædəkeɪt part of speech: verb empty in spanish: vacío, pronunciation: empti part of speech: adjective decimate in spanish: diezmar, pronunciation: desəmeɪt part of speech: verb reject in spanish: rechazar, pronunciation: rɪdʒekt part of speech: verb annihilate in spanish: aniquilar, pronunciation: ənaɪəleɪt part of speech: verb evacuate in spanish: evacuar, pronunciation: ɪvækjəeɪt part of speech: verb extinguish in spanish: extinguir, pronunciation: ɪkstɪŋgwɪʃ part of speech: verb egest in spanish: egest, pronunciation: ɪgest part of speech: verb excrete in spanish: excretar, pronunciation: ɪkskrit part of speech: verb rule out in spanish: descartar, pronunciation: rulaʊt part of speech: verb get rid of in spanish: deshacerse de, pronunciation: getrɪdʌv part of speech: verb wipe out in spanish: limpiar, pronunciation: waɪpaʊt part of speech: verb do away with in spanish: acabar con, pronunciation: duəweɪwɪð part of speech: verb carry off in spanish: llevarse, pronunciation: kæriɔf part of speech: verb rid of in spanish: deshacerse de, pronunciation: rɪdʌv part of speech: verb

Eliminate antonyms

take pronunciation: teɪk part of speech: verb demand pronunciation: dɪmænd part of speech: noun, verb need pronunciation: nid part of speech: verb, noun ask pronunciation: æsk part of speech: verb involve pronunciation: ɪnvɑlv part of speech: verb require pronunciation: rikwaɪɜr part of speech: verb necessitate pronunciation: nəsesəteɪt part of speech: verb call for pronunciation: kɔlfɔr part of speech: verb
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