Eligible in spanish


pronunciation: elexible part of speech: adjective
In gestures

eligible1 = elegible, adecuado, posible, aceptable. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo]

Example: And yet, everyone knows that historically only a very small portion of the eligible users have ever crossed the threshold of a public library.


» be eligible for = cumplir los requisitos para, cumplir las condiciones para.

Example: Since this mishap was not work related he was not eligible for Workmen's Compensation.

» eligible to vote = con derecho a voto, con derecho a votar.

Example: Library use, expressed as the ratio between those eligible to vote and those registered as adult readers, was related to such factors as class, topograhy, communications and parking facilities.

eligible2 = candidato posible. 

Example: Those eligible normally include only companies with less than 45 million of net fixed assets and fewer than 500 employees.


» eligible bachelor = buen partido, joven casadero.

Example: Even more surprisingly, a significant number of eligible bachelors (22% percent) agreed with a statement that marriage just isn't for them.

» eligible party = candidato posible, buen partido, joven casadero.

Example: As already indicated, funding has had to be limited to eligible parties that are least developed countries.

» ineligible = que no reúne las condiciones necesarias, que no reúne los requisitios necesarios, que no cumple las condiciones necesarias, que no cumple los requisitos necesarios. 

Example: Wimbledon have been deducted three points by the Football League for fielding an ineligible player.

Eligible synonyms

entitled in spanish: intitulado, pronunciation: entaɪtəld part of speech: adjective legal in spanish: legal, pronunciation: ligəl part of speech: adjective suitable in spanish: adecuado, pronunciation: sutəbəl part of speech: adjective worthy in spanish: digno, pronunciation: wɜrði part of speech: adjective desirable in spanish: deseable, pronunciation: dɪzaɪrəbəl part of speech: adjective in line in spanish: en línea, pronunciation: ɪnlaɪn part of speech: adjective, adverb bailable in spanish: bailable, pronunciation: beɪləbəl part of speech: adjective pensionable in spanish: con derecho al retiro, pronunciation: penʃənəbəl part of speech: adjective

Eligible antonyms

ineligible pronunciation: ɪnelɪdʒəbəl part of speech: adjective
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