Elicit in spanish


pronunciation: oʊbteneɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

elicit = obtener, recabar, requerir, provocar, suscitar, fomentar, promover. 

Example: This article looks at ways in which librarians in leadership roles can elicit the motivation, commitment, and personal investment of members of the organisation.


» elicit + a comment = suscitar un comentario.

Example: 'If you were this character, what would you do now?' or 'What aspect of this case do you think we should discuss first?' -- such questions usually elicit several comments and suggestions, which can be listed on the blackboard.

» elicit + a dialogue = provocar un diálogo, suscitar un diálogo.

Example: To do this is to thwart the goal of eliciting genuine dialogue -- candid, searching, and purposeful discussion -- and motivating students to think, to study, to weigh ideas, and to develop their own solutions.

» elicit + an answer = responder, dar respuesta.

Example: A complete description of the community will elicit answers to questions like what demographic, physical y socio-economic features does the community possess?.

» elicit + an opinion on = recabar opinión sobre.

Example: This is an analysis of a survey of 100 school librarians by the Institute of School Syllabuses to elicit opinions on the new obligatory reader education programme.

» elicit + a problem statement = obtener el enunciado del problema.

Example: This is a system designed to elicit a sufficiently rich problem statement and to convert it to a search query.

» elicit + a response = suscitar una respuesta.

Example: A survey was designed to solicit from authors of articles information regarding the types and quantity of response their articles elicited.

» elicit + a suggestion = suscitar una sugerencia.

Example: 'If you were this character, what would you do now?' or 'What aspect of this case do you think we should discuss first?' -- such questions usually elicit several comments and suggestions, which can be listed on the blackboard.

» elicit + funds = recabar fondos, recaudar fondos.

Example: The purpose of a business plan is to elicit funds from outside sources for either thedevelopment of a new business or the expansion of an existing business.

» elicit + information from = obtener información de.

Example: This action was the redesign of the enquiry form in order to elicit more information from the enquirer.

Elicit synonyms

fire in spanish: fuego, pronunciation: faɪɜr part of speech: noun raise in spanish: aumento, pronunciation: reɪz part of speech: verb extract in spanish: extraer, pronunciation: ekstrækt part of speech: verb evoke in spanish: evocar, pronunciation: ɪvoʊk part of speech: verb kindle in spanish: encender, pronunciation: kɪndəl part of speech: verb provoke in spanish: provocar, pronunciation: prəvoʊk part of speech: verb arouse in spanish: despertar, pronunciation: ɜraʊz part of speech: verb educe in spanish: educir, pronunciation: ɪdus part of speech: verb enkindle in spanish: hacer fuego, pronunciation: enkɪndəl part of speech: verb draw out in spanish: sacar, pronunciation: drɔaʊt part of speech: verb
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