Elevation in spanish


pronunciation: elebɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

elevation1 = ascenso. 

Example: Other authors may change their names, for instance, by marriage or elevation to the nobility.

elevation2 = elevación. 

Example: In cartography elevation is the height of the earth's surface above sea level, which can be shown by colour, by contour lines, etc..

elevation3 = auge, exaltación, ensalzamiento, elogio. 

Example: Within the last 40 years, information has undergone remarkable elevation.

Elevation synonyms

top in spanish: parte superior, pronunciation: tɑp part of speech: noun, adjective raise in spanish: aumento, pronunciation: reɪz part of speech: verb lift in spanish: levantar, pronunciation: lɪft part of speech: verb, noun peak in spanish: pico, pronunciation: pik part of speech: noun, adjective pinnacle in spanish: pináculo, pronunciation: pɪnəkəl part of speech: noun summit in spanish: cumbre, pronunciation: sʌmət part of speech: noun acme in spanish: cumbre, pronunciation: ækmi part of speech: noun heave in spanish: tirón, pronunciation: hiv part of speech: verb, noun superlative in spanish: superlativo, pronunciation: sʊpɜrlətɪv part of speech: adjective height in spanish: altura, pronunciation: haɪt part of speech: noun altitude in spanish: altitud, pronunciation: æltətud part of speech: noun el in spanish: el, pronunciation: el part of speech: noun alt in spanish: alt, pronunciation: ɑlt part of speech: noun aggrandizement in spanish: engrandecimiento, pronunciation: ægrəndaɪzmənt part of speech: noun raising in spanish: levantamiento, pronunciation: reɪzɪŋ part of speech: noun aggrandisement in spanish: engrandecimiento, pronunciation: əgrændɪsmənt part of speech: noun natural elevation in spanish: elevación natural, pronunciation: nætʃɜrəleləveɪʃən part of speech: noun

Elevation antonyms

depression pronunciation: dɪpreʃən part of speech: noun natural depression pronunciation: nætʃɜrəldɪpreʃən part of speech: noun
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