Elevated in spanish


pronunciation: elebɑdoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

elevate = elevar, subir, erigir. 

Example: Some of the things that are said about genuine bookselling do at times seem to elevate this occupation to a level far beyond mere commerce.


» elevate to + knighthood = otorgar el título de "sir".

Example: He sometimes preserves this appearance by adopting into the fold anyone who becomes logical, much in the manner in which a British labor leader is elevated to knighthood.

elevated = elevado, prominente, eminente, destacado. 

Example: Public investment in rebuilding the church and the gifts of individual donors were important indications of its elevated social standing.


» elevated railroad = ferrocarril elevado.

Example: The author discusses paintings of the elevated railroad in New York made from the 1890s to the 1930s by Robert Henri.

» elevated temperature = temperatura elevada.

Example: More work is required to determine if this diffusion effect is the same at ambient conditions as it is at the elevated temperatures used in his study.

Elevated synonyms

overhead in spanish: gastos generales, pronunciation: oʊvɜrhed part of speech: adjective, adverb, noun raised in spanish: elevado, pronunciation: reɪzd part of speech: adjective
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