Elephant in spanish


pronunciation: elefɑnte part of speech: noun
In gestures

elephant = elefante. 

Example: It now seems a manifest absurdity to say that if this elephant were an orange, it would file in such-and-such a place.


» as wrinkled as an elephant's hide = más arrugado que una pasa, más arrugado que frenada de gusano, más arrugado que sobaco de elefante, más arrugado que cuello de tortuga, más arrugado que un acordeón, tan arrugado como una pasa.

Example: Then from out of nowhere an old man, whose skin looked as wrinkled as an elephant's hide, appeared.

» eat like + an elephant = comer como una lima, comer como una vaca, comer como un sabañón, comer como un descosido.

Example: We all have that one friend, that is stick thin but eats like an elephant  .

» elephant driver = arriero de elefantes.

Example: Being an elephant driver in fast-developing India isn't the most popular job among young people.

» have + a memory like an elephant = tener memoria de elefante.

Example: I usually have a memory like an elephant, yet when it comes to supermarket shopping, it seems I have a memory like a sieve.

» like an elephant in a china shop = como un elefante en una cacharrería, como un toro en una tienda de porcelana.

Example: Lieberman is conducting himself like an elephant in a china shop and is inflicting strategic damage on Israel's interests.

» the elephant in the room = el verdadero problema, el problema obvio. el problema que todos se empeñan en ignorar.

Example: When it comes to the question of bringing the Net and the Web into bibliographic control, the elephant in the room is that of preservation of the human record.

» white elephant = elefante blanco. [Propiedad u objeto que es caro de mantener y no sirve para mucho]

Example: It is preferable to be thorough, perhaps embarrassed and a nuisance before purchase rather than to be sold a 'white elephant'.
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