Element in spanish


pronunciation: elementoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

element1 = elemento, componente. 

Example: In order to support these three elements it is important to have some organisation which takes responsibility for revision and publication.


» an element of = cierto.

Example: They all permit an element of coordination of concepts at the search stage when searching most of the databases that are on offer.

» be in + Posesivo + element = estar en + Posesivo + elemento, estar en + Posesivo + salsa, estar como pez en el agua.

Example: It's like how William is totally in his element when he talks about cosmology, because he's an astrophysicist.

» be out of + Posesivo + element = estar fuera de + Posesivo + elemento, encontrarse fuera de lugar, sentirse como pez fuera del agua.

Example: His urbane manner, formidable erudition, and background experience might have led one to conclude that perhaps he was somewhat out of his element there on the prairie.

» data element = información específica, elemento, dato. [Unidad básica de información con vistas al intercambio]

Example: The Working Group undertook to determine from the data available what data elements should be included for each type of authority.

» element of surprise = factor sorpresa.

Example: This short activity has an element of surprise that illustrates how enjoyable learning can be when people discover the answer for themselves.

» elements of due process = corrección formal.

Example: To accomplish this responsibility, the elements of due process must also be applied to selection.

» entry element = elemento de entrada.

Example: Once the name to be used in a heading and its form have been settled, it is time to decide upon the entry element, or in more general terms, to examine the preferred order of the components of a name as the name is to appear as a heading.

» feel out of + Posesivo + element = sentirse fuera de + Posesivo + elemento, encontrarse fuera de + Posesivo + elemento, encontrarse fuera de lugar, sentirse como pez fuera del agua.

Example: Although she made a strong first impression, she admits that she feels somewhat out of her element.

» key element = elemento clave, componente clave.

Example: There have even been rumours of plans to scrap most of the industrial side of its work and disperse key elements, such as the work on regional and industrial aid, to the provinces.

» node element = nodo.

Example: The following types of data structure are common: hierarchical, or tree, with a single root element at the top, plus node elements at the ends of the branches that spread out from the root.

» open to the elements = expuesto a los elementos, expuesto a la intemperie, a la intemperie.

Example: The old building was cramped, expensive and open to the elements.

» root element = raíz.

Example: The structure of a hierarchical file can be represented as a tree with a single root element at the top, plus node elements at the ends of the branches that spread out from the top to the bottom.

» sub-element [subelement] = subelemento.

Example: Sometimes these broad elements are broken down into sub-elements.

element2 = elemento. [Palabra, frase o grupo de caracteres que describen datos homogéneos de un documento y que forman parte de un área de la descripción bibliográfica]

Example: An element is a group of characters, a word, phrase, etc., representing a distinct unit of bibliographic information and forming part of an area (q.v.) of the description.


» bibliographic element = elemento bibliográfico. [Palabra, frase o grupo de caracteres que describen datos homogéneos de un documento y que forman parte de un área de la descripción bibliográfica]

Example: An element is a group of characters, a word, phrase, etc., representing a distinct unit of bibliographic information and forming part of an area (q.v.) of the description.

elements, the = intemperie, la; climatología, la. 

Example: Constructed of polyethylene, these tanks resist damage from impact, are not affected by the elements or corrosion, and are easily maintained.


» brave + the elements = hacer frente a los elementos, enfrentarse a los elementos, luchar contra los elementos, luchar contra la climatología, luchar contra la intemperie.

Example: A large party braved the elements on foot, and when they reached the summit they were drenched to the skin.

» expose + Nombre + to the elements = exponer a la intemperie, dejar a la intemperie.

Example: The common problem with turf is that it is exposed to the elements of weathering and compaction created by people and machines.

» exposure to the elements = exposición a los elementos, exposición a la intemperie, a la intemperie.

Example: After four decades of exposure to the elements, the garden has been fully renovated and restored to its former glory.

» go out into + the elements = salir a la intemperie, salir al exterior.

Example: Sometimes having a dog and being forced to go out into the elements every day is totally worth it.

Element synonyms

factor in spanish: factor, pronunciation: fæktɜr part of speech: noun component in spanish: componente, pronunciation: kəmpoʊnənt part of speech: noun constituent in spanish: Constitucion, pronunciation: kənstɪtʃuənt part of speech: noun ingredient in spanish: ingrediente, pronunciation: ɪngridiənt part of speech: noun chemical element in spanish: elemento químico, pronunciation: keməkəleləmənt part of speech: noun
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