Electronic in spanish


pronunciation: elektɹ̩oʊnikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

electronic = electrónico. 

Example: Clearly, further investigations in this area are important for a future which heralds not only electronic secondary publications, but also electronic primary publications.


» BEDIS (Book Trade Electronic Data Interchange Standards Committee) = BEDIS (Comité de Normas de Intercambio de Información Electrónica del Comercio del Libro).

Example: This article discusses events which led to the setting up by the MARC Users Group in 1987 of the Book Trade Electronic Data Interchange Standards Committee (BEDIS), membership of which was drawn from public and academic libraries, library suppliers, booksellers, publishers, service suppliers, and systems suppliers.

» EARL (Electronic Access to Resources in Libraries) = EARL (Acceso electrónico a los recursos de las bibliotecas). [Consorcio de bibliotecas públicas británicas cuyo objetivo es colaborar en la creación de servicios basados en Internet]

Example: EARL (Electronic Access to Resources in Libraries) is a consortium of UK public libraries which have joined together to provide support, advice and help in the development of Internet based services.

» e-collection [electronic collection] = colección de fondos electrónicos.

Example: This is an essential book for the professional or student new to e-collection development, as well for the experienced practitioner.

» e-conference (electronic conference) = congreso electrónico.

Example: This is a qualitative study of the impact that Internet distributed e-conferences have begun to have on the information seeking behaviour of library and information science professionals.

» e-conomy (electronic economy) = economía electrónica.

Example: We will talk about four trends on the bleeding edge that are shaping the fast moving e-conomy.

» e-economy (electronic economy) = economía electrónica.

Example: A great deal has been written in recent years about the internet and the emergence of e-businesses operating in the global e-economy.

» EIFL Direct (Electronic Information for Libraries Direct) = EIFL Direct. [Consorcio internacional de bibliotecas]

Example: EIFL Direct (Electronic Information for Libraries Direct) is believed to be the world's largest information consortium with access to a wealth of electronic full text information.

» e-journal (electronic journal) = revista electrónica.

Example: Thus the electronic journal (e-journal) is a concept where scientists are able to input ideas and text to a computer data base for their colleagues to view, and similarly to view the work of others.

» e-learner (electronic learner) = estudiante virtual.

Example: The learning programs themselves can influence whether e-learners sink or swim.

» electronic age, the = era de la electrónica, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: We have to work out a 'modus vivendi' in the electronic age.

» electronic archiving (e-archiving) = almacenamiento electrónico.

Example: Digital preservation, digital archiving or electronic archiving (e-archiving) is of imminent importance to libraries, publishers, and scholars alike and must be a priority if we hope to ensure permanent access to scholarly literature.

» electronic book (e-book/ebook) = libro electrónico.

Example: The electronic book (e-book) is already available commercially in Japan, and a British company is currently prototyping a handwriting recognition notepad.

» electronic bulletin board (EEB) = tablón electrónico de anuncios, tablón electrónico de noticias. [En Internet, dirección electrónica donde una compañía o un individuo particular puede poner información o programas a disposición de los demás usuarios de la red]

Example: Internet users may also derive articles and other information from electronic journals and newsletters and from the many electronic bulletin boards (EEB) and discussion lists.

» electronic business (e-business) = comercio electrónico.

Example: The article has the title 'Who do you trust? Beyond encryption, secure e-business'.

» electronic calculator = calculadora electrónica.

Example: However, they probably should not yet be completely equated with the electronic calculator in that the electronic calculator has multiple magnitudes of analytic power.

» electronic catalogue = catálogo electrónico.

Example: Since we have yet so see in operation a library's electronic catalog I am somewhat hesitant to make a judgment about its future.

» electronic checker = detector electrónico.

Example: Our thinking at this stage is that we'd like to eliminate checkers -- unless of course as a result of your investigations you feel they're more effective than electronic checkers.

» electronic cigarette = cigarro electrónico, cigarrillo electrónico, vapeador.

Example: Electronic cigarettes may be doing more harm than good, a new study says.

» electronic circuit = circuito electrónico.

Example: At the heart of every computer is a large number of electronic circuits that manipulate electric currents and voltages.

» electronic commerce (e-commerce) = comercio electrónico.

Example: Malcolm Frank has defined electronic commerce (e-commerce) as 'the electronic exchange of information, goods, services and payments' and 'the creation and maintenance of Web-based relationships'.

» electronic communication = comunicación electrónica.

Example: Many households are still without telephone, let alone equipped with the wide-band cable needed for fast, high-volume electronic communication.

» electronic conferencing [e-conferencing] = congreso electrónico, conferencia electrónica, teleconferencia.

Example: Now electronic conferencing (e-conferencing) can involve everything from e-mail to virtual reality which suggests that 'distributed education' is a more appropriate label than 'distance learning'.

» electronic content [e-content] = contenido electrónico, información electrónica.

Example: The author questions whether the technology is available to ensure broad access to electronic content in a convenient form.

» Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) = EDI (Intercambio Electrónico de Datos).

Example: Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a series of standardised message formats, primarily oriented toward business transactions.

» electronic democracy (e-democracy) = democracia electrónica.

Example: Electronic democracy (e-democracy) generally takes the form of Web sites devoted to providing information on politics and encouraging democracy and the democratic feelings of the general public through the Internet.

» electronic detection device = dispositivo de detección electrónica.

Example: However, problems can arise with some electronic detection devices because other metal objects such as belt clasps may activate the alarm signal.

» electronic device = aparato electrónico, dispositivo electrónico.

Example: Almost any electronic device might benefit from having a power save mode but the most common application is for portable computers.

» electronic distribution list = lista de distribución electrónica, lista de correo, foro de debate.

Example: Electronic distribution lists and newsgroups have been widely used by scholars and librarians to find specific information, keep abreast of current events and communicate within a specific discipline.

» electronic document = documento electrónico. [Documento que existe en forma electrónica y al que se accede mediante medios informáticos]

Example: The electronic document may be a research paper, a book, a directory, an encyclopedia, a bibliographic database or several of these stored on optical disk.

» electronic document delivery (EDD) = difusión electrónica de documentos (DED). [En recuperación de información, servicio que presta una biblioteca por el cual solicita una copia en formato legible por máquina de un documento a otra biblioteca a iniciativa del usuario]

Example: However, despite the expanding contribution of online services and the impending impact of electronic document delivery (EDD), the printed word continues to have a major part to play in the transmission of EC information.

» electronic document management = gestión de documentos electrónicos.

Example: Our primary focus over the years has been in the arena of providing electronic document management solutions.

» electronic document management system (EDMS) = sistema de gestión de documentos electrónicos.

Example: A Document Management Roadshow has been touring some major cities in the UK, promoting the benefits of Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS).

» electronic document preservation = conservación de documentos electrónicos.

Example: An emerging file format for preservation is PDF/A, which is a proposed international standard for long-term electronic document preservation.

» electronic document preservation and management = gestión y conservación de documentos electrónicos.

Example: Companies who wish to avoid digital-related sactions must make fundamental changes in their approach to electronic document preservation and management.

» electronic engineering = ingeniería electrónica.

Example: Programmes have so far been produced in: Physics; and Electrical and electronic engineering.

» electronic exchange of information = intercambio electrónico de información.

Example: The expression 'transborder data flows' (TBDF) encompasses a complex set of issues resulting from the electronic transfer or exchange of information across national boundaries.

» electronic format = formato electrónico.

Example: The formats that emerge can be used by libraries, publishers, and information utilities worldwide to convert printed works to electronic forms or to create original works in electric format, and thus foment the creation of networked electronic library collections.

» electronic forum = foro de debate, grupo de debate, foro de discusión.

Example: Information World en Espanol (IWETEL), the first electronic forum for information professionals in Spain, was launched in Nov 93.

» electronic government (e-government) = administración electrónica, e-administración, gobierno electrónico.

Example: More than 10,000 people ventured into cyberspace in May 1995 when the Clinton administration opened its 'information superhighway' for suggestions on how to build an efficient electronic government (e-government).

» electronic highway, the = autopista electrónica, la.

Example: The article is entitled 'Getting your licence: pitfalls and potholes on the electronic highway'.

» electronic image management = gestión de imágenes electrónicas.

Example: The author explains why 3 of the goals have not been fulfilled and presents analysis of applications that would have ruled out electronic image management.

» electronic imaging = digitalización de imágenes, digitalización electrónica de imágenes.

Example: In addition, the committee recommended research into electronic imaging to investigate its use in document preservation.

» electronic information = información electrónica.

Example: High percentages of respondents of all kinds in all fields and types of institutions expressed comfort with electronic information.

» Electronic Information for Libraries Direct (EIFL Direct) = EIFL Direct. [Consorcio internacional de bibliotecas]

Example: EIFL Direct (Electronic Information for Libraries Direct) is believed to be the world's largest information consortium with access to a wealth of electronic full text information.

» electronic information industry = industria de la información electrónica.

Example: The quoted figures are used as a framework for a discussion of the dangers of overvaluing the electronic information industry.

» electronic information object = objeto de información electrónico.

Example: The author discusses current attempts to organize electronic information objects in a world that is messy, volatile and uncontrolled.

» electronic information service = servicio de información electrónica.

Example: The main concern is to look into current use of, and interest in, electronic information services, and also to gauge opinion on setting up a data base concerned solely with development issues.

» electronic information source = fuente de información electrónica.

Example: The rapidly changing environment is forcing many librarians to seek new strategies for coaching researchers through the maze of electronic information sources = Los continuos cambios de nuestro entorno están obligando a muchos bibliotecarios a encontrar nuevas estrategias para guiar a los investigadores por el laberinto de las fuentes de información electrónicas.

» electronic journal publishing = edición de revistas electrónicas.

Example: This article examines the pros and cons for publishers in moving toward electronic journal publishing.

» electronic learning [e-learning] = aprendizaje virtual, enseñanza virtual, aprendizaje a través de la red.

Example: The age of e-learning is already here and the interplay of technological developments and socio-economic change which has had such an impact on the commercial sector has already begun to change the processes of teaching and learning.

» electronic library (e-library) = biblioteca electrónica.

Example: Librarians, information scientists, and keepers of the archives have to realise the meaning of the so-called electronic library (e-library).

» electronic list (e-list) = lista electrónica, lista de distribución electrónica.

Example: The author explores the questioning behaviour on an electronic list (e-list) focused on colon cancer.

» electronic magazine (e-zine/EZine) = revista electrónica, revista web.

Example: This article briefly reviews the status of electronic books (e-books) and electronic magazines (e-zines), produced as CD-ROM and online versions.

» electronic maildrop = buzón electrónico.

Example: Electronic Maildrop is an online document ordering feature, where documents can be ordered from various suppliers.

» electronic mail (e-mail) = correo electrónico, correo-e, emilio.

Example: The advantages and problems of e-mail for library applications are also examined.

» electronic mailing list = lista de correo electrónico.

Example: This paper provides basic instructions on how to subscribe to electronic mailing lists, how to post messages and how to unsubscribe, along with tips for the beginner.

» electronic mail reference service = servicio de referencia por correo electrónico.

Example: There is a great deal yet to be learned about electronic mail reference service = Queda mucho por conocer sobre el servicio de referencia por correo electrónico.

» electronic mail service = servicio de correo electrónico.

Example: Electronic mail services have become especially useful to libraries and information centres in the areas of interlibrary loans = Los servicios de correo electrónico se han hecho especialmente útil para las biblitoecas y centros de información en las cuestiones relacionadas con el préstamo bibliotecario.

» electronic mail system = programa de correo electrónico.

Example: Messaging for ILL is done via the post or though entirely separate and dedicated electronic mail systems.

» electronic material [e-material] = material electrónico.

Example: Another example of meta-organization are proposals to integrate MARC records for electronic material, judged to be of long-term value, into the existing information infrastructure of libraries.

» electronic media (emedia) = soportes electrónicos.

Example: The law of copyright in relation to electronic media is still very much in flux.

» electronic money = dinero electrónico.

Example: Apart from serving as 'electronic money', smart cards are already being envisaged as identification and access control passes, bearers of personal records, encryption devices and so on.

» electronic newsletter = boletín informativo electrónico.

Example: Internet users may also derive articles and other information from electronic journals and newsletters and from the many electronic bulletin boards (EEB) and discussion lists.

» electronic noticeboard = panel electrónico.

Example: This article discusses various uses of new technology in school libraries including: administration; library housekeeping; electronic noticeboards; and on-line services.

» electronic office = oficina electrónica.

Example: Text preparation in the 'electronic office' is aided by an electronic keyboard linked to a computer (processor and memory), a video screen and a printer.

» electronic-only = sólo en formato electrónico.

Example: The project will measure relative value of print-only, print-and-electronic and electronic-only journals.

» electronic ordering = pedido electrónico.

Example: This article considers the consequences of electronic ordering and stresses the need to strive for decreased costs and the services and systems that are really necessary.

» electronic preservation [e-preservation] = conservación en formato electrónico.

Example: The permanent e-preservation of these journals is an essential part of the joint mission of libraries and publishers.

» electronic project [e-project] = proyecto de digitalización.

Example: The author looks at the reasons and purposes why some scholarly publishers have launched electronic projects (e-projects) while others have drawn back.

» electronic publication [e-publication] = publicación electrónica.

Example: Electronic publications (E-publications) do have a future, but perhaps not at the expense of print.

» electronic publisher [e-publisher] = editor de publicaciones electrónicas.

Example: Utilising computer networks, scholars have become electronic publishers, creating an alternative publication system.

» electronic publisher [e-publisher] = editor de material electrónico.

Example: This article is a preliminary study of the management of intellectual property by electronic publishers.

» electronic publishing [e-publishing] = edición electrónica, publicaciones electrónicas. [Publicación de texto, datos o imágenes en formato legible por máquina como bases de datos, documentos, cd-roms, etc]

Example: This study found it impossible to get more than an indication from advertisers and advertising agencies of their present interest in electronic publishing (e-publishing).

» electronic purse = monedero electrónico.

Example: Some banks are running pilot projects using smart cards as an electronic purse to be used instead of cash.

» electronic record = registro electrónico, documento electrónico.

Example: Data warehouses have the attraction that they are repositories of stable and datable information but considerable harm could be done to the integrity of the electronic record if used inappropriately.

» electronic record keeping = gestión electrónica de documentos.

Example: The growth of electronic record keeping has not resulted in the paperless office predicted by many.

» electronic record management = gestión electrónica de documentos.

Example: Electronic document management can trigger automation of other business processes.

» electronic reference resource = recurso de referencia eletrónico.

Example: Electronic reference resources are becoming an increasingly greater part of reference collections.

» electronic reference service [e-reference service] = servicio de referencia electrónica.

Example: How much do we know about information-seeking behaviors in the digital age and how well e-reference services mesh with users' expectations?.

» electronic repository [e-repository] = depósito de recursos electrónicos, archivo de recursos electrónicos.

Example: The author sets out what is likely to be required in providing an electronic repository (e-repository) for long term storage of a digital research collection.

» electronic reserve = fondo de recursos electrónicos de acceso restringido. [En una biblioteca, documentos en formato electrónico que generalmente debido a las licencias que los proveedores mantienen con la biblioteca sólo pueden ser consultados por aquellos usuarios que tienen los permisos necesarios]

Example: The user survey revealed that some academics were concerned about the 'spoon-feeding' possibilities of an electronic reserve.

» electronic resource [e-resource] = recurso electrónico.

Example: Scorpion is a project exploring the indexing and cataloguing of electronic resources.

» electronic resource bank = banco de recursos electrónicos.

Example: The project aims to develop a collaborative inter-university, electronic resource bank which will significantly enhance student access to learning materials = El objetivo del proyecto es crear un banco de recursos electrónicos interuniversitario en colaboración que mejore significativamente el acceso de los estudiantes a material didáctico.

» electronic(s) appliances = aparatos electrónicos.

Example: Information services are becoming one with consumer electronics appliances, cable TV, and telephone service.

» electronic scholarship [e-scholarship] = publicaciones académicas electrónicas, publicaciones científicas electrónicas.

Example: Electronic scholarship (e-scholarship) demands an awareness of both the similarities and differences of the medium from traditional printed journals, in order to truly achieve any measure of success.

» electronic serial = publicación seriada electrónica, publicación periódica electrónica.

Example: The author presents methods for collecting, processing, and providing access to electronic serials.

» electronic signature = firma electrónica.

Example: Electronic signatures allow our sales reps to close deals in minutes instead of days.

» electronic spreadsheet = hoja de cálculo electrónica.

Example: She admitted she hadn't read the article 'Planning and executing a major bookshift o bookmove using an electronic spreadsheet'.

» electronic surveillance system = sistema de vigilancia electrónica.

Example: For libraries and information centres that have an electronic surveillance system anti-theft strips can be affixed to the journals = Aquellas bibliotecas y centros de documentación que dispongan de sistemas de vigilancia electrónica también pueden solicitar que se coloquen pegatinas antirrobo en sus revistas.

» electronic text [e-text] = texto electrónico.

Example: This initiative aims to create a standard format for the exchange of electronic texts (e-texts).

» electronic theft detection system = sistema electrónico de detección de robos.

Example: Electronic theft detection systems have been in use in libraries for over 20 years.

» electronic toll collection system = sistema electrónico de recaudación de peaje.

Example: The national expressway is a divided highway with 2+2 lanes and 4+4 lanes in some areas and includes eight toll plazas with electronic toll collection systems = La autopista nacional es una autopista de dos carriles de 2+2 carriles y de 4+4 carriles en algunos tramos e incluye ocho áreas de peaje con sistemas electrónicos de recaudación.

» electronic transfer of information = transferencia electrónica de información.

Example: The expression 'transborder data flows' (TBDF) encompasses a complex set of issues resulting from the electronic transfer or exchange of information across national boundaries.

» electronic translator = traductor electrónico.

Example: Library patrons had with them a range of other possessions, including boxes of tissue, electronic translators cameras, walking aids (e.g., canes), baby bottles, skateboards, and even bicycles = Además, los usuarios tenían otra serie de objetos personales como, por ejemplo, cajas de pañuelos de papel, electronic translators, cámaras, utensilios para ayudar a caminar (por ej., bastones), biberones, monopatines e incluso bicicletas.

» electronic typewriter = máquina de escribir eléctrica.

Example: This paper features test reports on electronic typewriters and lateral roll-out file cabinets.

» electronic world, the = mundo electrónico, el.

Example: The electronic world will not supplant the paper world and the old collection development paradigms will continue to be relevant.

» e-lending [electronic lending] = préstamo electrónico.

Example: What softwares are coming down the pike for potential future e-lending of varied digital content (music, print, video...)?.

» in electronic form = en formato electrónico.

Example: By far the most difficult new challenge looming for librarianship will be preserving and providing access to 'born-digital' materials, that swelling mass of material that appears only in electronic form.

» ISBD(ER) (International Standard Bibliographic Description for Electronic Resources) = ISBD(ER) (Descripción Bibliográfica Normalizada Internacional para Recursos Electrónicos).

Example: This article provides a detailed indication of the stipulations of the ISBD(ER).

» licensed electronic resources = recursos electrónicos por suscripción.

Example: In this online course for all types of libraries, we'll cover how to select and evaluate free and licensed electronic resources.

» print-and-electronic = en formato impreso y electrónico.

Example: The project will measure relative value of print-only, print-and-electronic and electronic-only journals.
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