Electrical in spanish


pronunciation: elektɹ̩ikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

electrical = eléctrico. 

Example: One of the most obvious implications has been the electrical, mechanical and structural requirements imposed on library buildings.


» electrical apparatus = aparato eléctrico.

Example: Dust is an enemy of microcomputers as it is with any piece of electrical apparatus, and a dust cover costing a few pounds is a worthwhile purchase.

» electrical appliances = electrodomésticos, utensilios eléctricos, aparatos eléctricos. [Generalmente usado en plural]

Example: Such things as the minimum room temperature within one hour of starting work, the adequacy of light and ventilation, and the safety of electrical appliances are all well covered in considerable detail.

» electrical appliances shop = eléctrica, tienda de electricidad.

Example: The shopping mall will accommodate a full complement of shops from pharmacies to banks, to restaurants, clothing stores and electrical appliances shops.

» electrical appliances store = eléctrica, tienda de electricidad.

Example: Lindy had a number of businesses, including a hardware shop, a barbershop, an ice-cream parlor, a blacksmith shop, and an electrical appliances store.

» electrical cabling = cableado eléctrico.

Example: The demands made of libraries by new technologies have brought home the need for rethinking in the areas of electrical cabling and soundproofing.

» electrical charge = carga eléctrica.

Example: Computers don't have it in for him, they just can't tolerate his electrical charge.

» electrical closet = cuartillo de mandos eléctricos.

Example: The library office is in the basement, 'downstairs' as it is euphemistically referred to, along with a staff lounge, the washrooms, heating equipment, and electrical and janitor's closets.

» electrical connector = ficha de empalme.

Example: The company's products range from the familiar Scotch tapes to surgical drapes, optical discs, abrasives, electrical connectors, and more than 40,000 other products.

» electrical contact = contacto eléctrico.

Example: For fifty years impregnated papers have been used which turn dark at every point where an electrical contact touches them by reason of the chemical change thus produced in a iodine compound included in the paper.

» electrical current = corriente eléctrica.

Example: As the pointer moves, its potential is varied in accordance with a varying electrical current received over wires from a distant station.

» electrical device = dispositivo eléctrico, aparato eléctrico.

Example: Many electrical devices which are connected to the power mains inject significant noise back onto network.

» electrical discharge = descarga eléctrica.

Example: According to him, the phenomena observed in stellar atmospheres could be described adequately by an electrical discharge model = Según él, los fenómenos observados en las atmósferas estelares se podrían describir adecuadamente por un modelo de descarga eléctrica.

» electrical engineering = ingeniería eléctrica.

Example: In the first edition, electrical engineering was omitted, but this was included in the second edition as a subdivision of mechanical engineering; while this may have been an acceptable subordination at the time, it would not now find general agreement.

» electrical engineering industry, the = industria de la ingeniería eléctrica, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: Up to the 60s information and documentation were little developed in the automobile industry compared to the chemical or electrical engineering industry.

» electrical equipment = aparatos eléctricos.

Example: As with electrical equipment, liquids should be kept well away.

» electrical equipment shop = eléctrica, tienda de electricidad.

Example: They cost around £10 and can be bought at most supermarkets, DIY stores and electrical equipment shops.

» electrical equipment store = eléctrica, tienda de electricidad.

Example: If you need to get hold of the cabling almost every electrical equipment store stocks this type of cable.

» electrical generator = generador, generador eléctrico, grupo electrógeno, grupo eléctrico, generador de energía eléctrica.

Example: This paper describes the design of a new diesel-powered air compressor and electrical generator for aircraft ground support.

» electrical goods shop = eléctrica, tienda de electricidad.

Example: He was brought up in Southampton but spent much of his childhood on the Isle of Wight where his father had an electrical goods shop.

» electrical goods store = eléctrica, tienda de electricidad.

Example: Service in electrical goods stores seems to be improving, but you still can't rely on getting detailed, accurate advice.

» electrical impulse = impulso eléctrico.

Example: Optical character recognition (OCR) is a method by which printed characters can be 'read' by a computer; a light-sensitive machine converts the print into electrical impulses which can be stored in machine readable form.

» electrical ionisation = ionización eléctrica.

Example: Electrical ionization is the most common method used to generate air ions.

» electrical outlet = toma eléctrica, punto de luz.

Example: School classrooms are sometimes extraordinarily badly designed with poor acoustics, ineffective blackout facilities, and notoriously eccentric electrical outlets.

» electrical part = pieza eléctrica, componente eléctrico, recambio eléctrico.

Example: It relies on the proper performance of its electrical parts as much as it relies on the performance of its mechanical parts.

» electrical power = energía eléctrica, corriente eléctrica.

Example: The various faults of electrical power, such as spikes, sags, outages, noise, frequency variations, and static electricity, are defined and described.

» electrical power blackout = apagón de luz.

Example: He has demanded a 'no holds barred' investigation of the causes of the electrical power blackout that crippled New York last week.

» electrical razor = máquina de afeitar, maquinilla de afeitar.

Example: Most hotels provide 110 Volt outlets for electrical razors.

» electrical security = seguridad contra corrientes eléctricas.

Example: It presents a checklist of some of the major considerations in assessing the environmental, fire and electrical security of equipment areas in libraries.

» electrical shop = eléctrica, tienda de electricidad.

Example: The electronics and electrical shops listed on this page have their own site online, where you can buy electronics and electrical items directly.

» electrical signal = señal eléctrica.

Example: The telephone is an example of a terminal, converting the acoustic waves of speech into a fluctuating electrical signal, and the signal back to audible form.

» electrical store = eléctrica, tienda de electricidad.

Example: Flat irons are used generally by hairstylists at salons to straighten your hair but are also sold at electrical stores for home use.

» electrical storm = tormenta eléctrica.

Example: Electrical storms occur most often during warm days in the late afternoons and early evenings.

» electrical synapsis = sinapsis eléctrica.

Example: There are two different kinds of synapses present within the human brain: chemical synapses and electrical synapses.

» electrical system = sistema eléctrico.

Example: The article discusses the following standards to which bookmobiles must conform: suspension, electrical system, heating system, safety and comfort, length and width, interior furnishings, exteriors, collections, and automated lending systems.

» electrical tape = cinta aislante.

Example: He fixed the leaky faucet by pugging it with a cork, hammering it in with a mallet, wrapping it up with electrical tape, and leaving it to increase in water pressure until the pipe exploded .

» electrical wiring = sistema de cables eléctricos.

Example: The architect's brief specifies that conduit (of sewer pipe size if possible) should be provided for electrical wiring with outlets placed in the ceiling every metre.

» nonelectrical [non-electrical] = no eléctrico.

Example: The optical fibre cable contributes to this better performance by using a nonelectrical mode of transmission, which leaves it unaffected by electromagnetic disturbances.

» skin electrical conductivity = respuesta galvánica de la piel, conductividad cutánea.

Example: The standard method of polygraphy depends on four measurements: heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and skin electrical conductivity.

Electrical synonyms

electric in spanish: eléctrico, pronunciation: ɪlektrɪk part of speech: adjective, noun
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