Electric in spanish


pronunciation: elektɹ̩ikoʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

electric1 = eléctrico. 

Example: It was a dozen years later that the first central electric power station was built; a decade was to pass before the automobile was invented, and nearly three decades before the first airplane flew.


» electric bill = factura de la luz, factura de la electricidad, recibo de la luz, recibo de la electricidad.

Example: Follow this easy step-by-step guide for how to wire a dimmer switch and save money on your electric bill.

» electric blanket = manta eléctrica.

Example: The electric blanket was invented sometime in the early 1900s.

» electric chair, the = silla eléctrica, la.

Example: The electric chair replaced hanging in 1888 as the main method of carrying out the death penalty.

» electric contact = contacto eléctrico.

Example: Electric contacts have ceased to stick when thoroughly understood.

» electric current = corriente eléctrica.

Example: At the heart of every computer is a large number of electronic circuits that manipulate electric currents and voltages.

» electric fan = ventilador eléctrico.

Example: People use homemade, reed-woven hand-held fans to cool themselves in lieu of electric fans or air-conditioners.

» electric guitar = guitarra eléctrica.

Example: Instructions on replacing a whammy bar on an electric guitar.

» electric heater = calefactor.

Example: All electric heaters run on the principle of turning electricity into heat.

» electric hook-up = toma eléctrica, enganche eléctrico. [Como los que hay en los campings para las caravanas]

Example: Arrived at a site last week after booking, only to find the site fees the same as last year, but the electric hook-ups all metered!.

» electric hotplate = plancha eléctrica, plancha eléctrica de cocinar.

Example: Fully fitted kitchen with a gas ring cooker with oven, electric hotplate and fridge freezer.

» electric kettle = hervidora eléctrica de agua.

Example: Heavy-current electrical appliances (e.g. washers/dryers, dehumidifiers and electric kettles) should be supplied from individual socket outlets.

» electric meter = contador de la luz.

Example: In an authority list, the terms, whether descriptors or non-descriptors, may be single words (e.g., Hosiery, Journalism, Lingerie), or phrases of two or three words (e.g., electric meters, Electric power plants, Joy and sorrow).

» electric mixer = batidora eléctrica.

Example: Use an electric mixer to beat egg whites and salt until soft peaks form.

» electric money = moneda electrónica, monedero electrónico.

Example: Electric money will come in cent or less denominations to make high-volume, small-value transactions on the Internet practical.

» electric motor = motor eléctrico.

Example: They supply capstans and winches powered by electric motors to the industrial marine industry and shipyards.

» electric panel = cuadro eléctrico.

Example: The power from the electricity company's lines passes through your meter and into your electric panel.

» electric potential = potencia eléctrica.

Example: If an electric potential is applied to a colloid, the charged colloidal particles move toward the oppositely charged electrode; this migration is called electrophoresis.

» electric power = energía eléctrica.

Example: Projects eligible for support are the substitution of hydrocarbons (solid fuels, electric power, heat transmission, distribution and storage) and the gasification and liquefaction of solid fuels.

» electric power plant = central eléctrica.

Example: In an authority list, the terms, whether descriptors or non-descriptors, may be single words (e.g., Hosiery, Journalism, Lingerie), or phrases of two or three words (e.g., Electric meters, electric power plants, Joy and sorrow).

» electric power station = central eléctrica.

Example: It was a dozen years later that the first central electric power station was built; a decade was to pass before the automobile was invented, and nearly three decades before the first airplane flew.

» electric ray = torpedo, tembladera.

Example: Some electric rays can generate an electric jolt up to 200 volts.

» electric shaver = máquina de afeitar.

Example: Properly used, most electric shavers can offer the user a shave that is every bit as close as, if not closer, than a shave obtained from a blade razor.

» electric shock = descarga eléctrica, sacudida eléctrica, calambre, calambrazo, calambre eléctrico.

Example: The application of electric shock is useful in the study of the learning process in vertebrates and invertebrates.

» electric shop = eléctrica, tienda de electricidad.

Example: There are many kinds of plugs used in Nepal and the best thing for you to do is stop in at an electric shop in Kathmandu and for 50 rupees they will make an adaptor for you.

» electric signal = señal eléctrica.

Example: One such method requires that each book has a magnetic strip inserted into the spine and a special exit door is fitted across which an electric signal is beamed.

» electric switch = interruptor eléctrico, interruptor de la corriente.

Example: 'Don't turn on the light,' John objected peevishly as she moved toward the electric switch.

» electric toothbrush = cepillo de dientes eléctrico.

Example: She has been using an electric toothbrush for more than seven years, and has been impressed with the results.

» electric typewriter = máquina de escribir eléctrica.

Example: During the first half of the 2Oth century additional office technologies appeared: automatically switched telephones, the ticker tape, the electric typewriter, telex, duplicating machines, adding machines, etc.

» electric water heater = calentador de agua eléctrico, termo eléctrico.

Example: Today's electric water heaters are efficient, low cost, and dependable.

» electric wheelchair = silla de ruedas eléctrica.

Example: This is widely regarded as the world's first practical electric wheelchair for quadriplegic patients.

» hydroelectric [hydro-electric] = hidroeléctrico.

Example: Nepal's hydroelectric plans that may wipe out its best whitewater rivers and hence its rafting industry.

» hydroelectric power = energía hidroeléctrica.

Example: Projects eligible for support in alternative energy sources are geothermal energy, solar energy, biomass, wind and ocean energy and hydro-electric power.

» photoelectric = fotoeléctrico.

Example: Einstein noted that careful experiments involving the photoelectric effect could show whether light consists of particles or waves.

» piezoelectric = piezoeléctrico.

Example: The article commences with a brief roundup of factors linked to ink jet printing and proceeds to details of specific ink jet printing technology: thermal (or bubble jet); electrostatic; piezoelectric; and airbrush.

» thermoelectric = termoeléctrico.

Example: The guidelines inform us that 'a descriptor represents a concept', so it would appear that thermoelectric devices and microorganism control are both `concepts'.

electric2 = electrificante. 

Example: He had a sizzling, electric stage presence.

Electric synonyms

tense in spanish: tiempo, pronunciation: tens part of speech: noun, adjective exciting in spanish: emocionante, pronunciation: ɪksaɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective electrical in spanish: eléctrico, pronunciation: ɪlektrɪkəl part of speech: adjective galvanic in spanish: galvánico, pronunciation: gælvænɪk part of speech: adjective galvanizing in spanish: galvanizado, pronunciation: gælvənaɪzɪŋ part of speech: adjective electric car in spanish: coche eléctrico, pronunciation: ɪlektrɪkkɑr part of speech: noun electric automobile in spanish: automóvil eléctrico, pronunciation: ɪlektrɪkɔtəmoʊbil part of speech: noun
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