Electoral in spanish


pronunciation: elektoʊɹ̩ɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

electoral = electoral. 

Example: The debate culminated in a confrontation between the political parties when the question of Community membership became an electoral issue in 1983.


» electoral body, the = cuerpo electoral, el; electorado, el.

Example: Absolute freedom of election in fact augmented the power of such coteries far more than that of the electoral body.

» electoral calendar = calendario electoral.

Example: The black and white communities live such separate lives that they do not even share the same electoral calendar.

» electoral coalition = coalición electoral.

Example: Electoral coalitions are becoming increasingly popular among opposition parties in Africa.

» electoral coattails = influencia electoral. [Influencia que un candidato tiene sobre la elección de otra persona de su mismo partido]

Example: There are also elections where a presidential candidate has long electoral coattails that pull many members of his party to victory in congressional races.

» electoral college = colegio electoral.

Example: As an institution, the electoral college has been controversial since it was created by the US Constitution.

» electoral discourse = retórica electoral.

Example: These currents are producing a highly self-referential style of electoral discourse.

» electoral district = distrito electoral.

Example: Any number of candidates may run for election in an electoral district and candidates can run either independently or under the banner of a registered political party.

» electoral list = lista electoral.

Example: A number of Iraqi army and police elements have participated in the circulation of electoral propaganda for the interest of certain electoral lists.

» electoral pact = pacto electoral.

Example: He wants the coalition to endure and fight the next general election on an electoral pact.

» electoral process = proceso electoral.

Example: The new edition of the Dewey Classification continues in the same tradition as the seventeenth and eighteenth, with two phoenix schedules (Sociology and the electoral process, as mentioned earlier).

» electoral propaganda = propaganda electoral.

Example: A number of Iraqi army and police elements have participated in the circulation of electoral propaganda for the interest of certain electoral lists.

» electoral registration form = impreso de inscripción electoral.

Example: This technique usually involves the distribution of a simple population survey form with the electoral registration form.

» electoral system = sistema electoral.

Example: Keep up the good work on protecting the integrity of voting and the electoral system.

» make + electoral propaganda = hacer propaganda electoral.

Example: This is not the moment to take advantage of the circumstances to make electoral propaganda.

Electoral synonyms

elective in spanish: electivo, pronunciation: ɪlektɪv part of speech: adjective elected in spanish: elegido, pronunciation: ɪlektəd part of speech: adjective
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