Election in spanish


pronunciation: elekθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

election = elección. 

Example: After the election of a new president, government executives have two opportunities to propose agenda items to the new administration.


» call + an election = convocar una elección.

Example: Usually, according to parliamentary law, the head of government must regularly call an election.

» congressional election = elección al Congreso.

Example: When it comes to this year's congressional elections almost equal numbers of voters say they want each of the two major political parties to win.

» contend + an election = presentarse a unas elecciones, disputar unas elecciones.

Example: All the main parties contending the election were committed to continuing with the bailout that Tsipras negotiated in the summer.

» election calendar = calendario electoral.

Example: All dates in this election calendar are subject to change without notice in the event of passage of amendatory legislation.

» election campaign = campaña electoral, comicios.

Example: This was originally intended as a set of speaking notes for candidates and others in the 1979 direct election campaign.

» election day = día de las elecciones, día de la votación.

Example: Today is Election Day in Denmark and even though this is not a political blog, I really urge everyone to cast their vote.

» election politics = política electoral.

Example: Halliburton dismissed the allegations as election politics.

» election promise = promesa electoral.

Example: President Obama sold his soul to the warmongers when he renegaded on his election promise to end these sorry wars of attrition.

» election race = campaña electoral.

Example: Such discussions become circular and self-perpetuating, and self-congratulating, very quickly -- as the Howard Dean Campaign discovered, too late and fatally, during the current US Presidential election race.

» election runoff = segunda votación. [Generalmente para intentar resolver un empate]

Example: Egypt Islamists have claimed most seats in the election runoff.

» election stunt = ardid electoral.

Example: Supposedly, this is some kind of election stunt, which is obviously receiving much media attention.

» fight + an election = presentarse a unas elecciones, disputar unas elecciones.

Example: She fought the election on the basis that it was her campaign -- it was her decision to call the election.

» general election = elecciones generales.

Example: But more to the point, the claim that 2 1/2 million jobs depend on slashing red tape is a misrepresentation of a CBI survey carried out in advance of the UK general election of 1983.

» gubernatorial election = elección para gobernador.

Example: This state has voted Democratic in every gubernatorial election since 1918.

» mayoral election = elecciones a la alcaldía.

Example: For this reason, I will probably not vote in the London mayoral election at all and this doesn't make me a whinging negativist dweeb.

» political election = elección del gobierno, elección política.

Example: The article 'Political elections: the library role' argues that librarians have a responsibility to collect and make known political information = El artículo "Las elecciones políticas: el papel de la biblioteca" propone que los bibliotecarios tienen la responsabilidad de recoger y hacer pública información política.

» presidential election = elección presidencial.

Example: The article 'Campaign sites: a potpourri of political punditry' describes a number of Internet campaign sites for the USA presidential elections = El artículo "Sitios web sobre la campaña electoral: un popurrí de pronósticos de expertos" describe varios sitios web relacionadas con las elecciones presidenciales de los Estados Unidos.

» primary election = elección primaria, comicios primarios.

Example: Runoffs must be held just two weeks after the primary election.

» re-election = reelección. 

Example: But the cavalcade of scandal clearly puts the five-term senator in danger of losing his next re-election bid.

» run for + election = presentarse como candidato, presentarse a una elección.

Example: Any number of candidates may run for election in an electoral district and candidates can run either independently or under the banner of a registered political party.

» stand for + election = presentarse como candidato, presentarse a una elección.

Example: As well as voting for candidates it is possible for a member of the public to decide to stand for election themselves.

» win + an election = ganar una elección.

Example: Why did socialists win elections in some countries in Europe, and fascists in others, during the interwar period?.
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