Eggplant in spanish


pronunciation: beɹ̩enxenɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

eggplant = berenjena. 

Example: The article 'A bogus and dismal science, or the eggplant that ate library schools' discusses the reasons for the perennial professional indentity crisis amongst librarians.

Eggplant synonyms

aubergine in spanish: berenjena, pronunciation: ɔbɜrdʒaɪn part of speech: noun brinjal in spanish: berenjena, pronunciation: brɪndʒəl part of speech: noun garden egg in spanish: huevo de jardin, pronunciation: gɑrdəneg part of speech: noun mad apple in spanish: manzana loca, pronunciation: mædæpəl part of speech: noun eggplant bush in spanish: arbusto de berenjena, pronunciation: egplæntbʊʃ part of speech: noun solanum melongena in spanish: solanum melongena, pronunciation: səlænəmeləlɔŋinə part of speech: noun
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