Edema in spanish


pronunciation: edemɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

oedema [edema, -USA] = edema. [A veces se usa el plural oedemata/edemata. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que contienen la secuencia "-oe-" en inglés británico y que se reduce a "-e-" en inglés americano]

Example: Oedema is a build-up of excess fluid in the body tissues.


» cerebral oedema = edema cerebral.

Example: Cerebral oedema is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children with insulin dependent diabetes.

» macular oedema = edema macular.

Example: One such cause of macular damage is from diabetic macular oedema whereby blood vessels near to the macula leak fluid or protein onto the macula.

» oedema of the brain = edema cerebral.

Example: Locate articles that mention oedema of the brain.

» pulmonary oedema = edema pulmonar.

Example: He died of pulmonary oedima just three days after his birthday.

Edema synonyms

dropsy in spanish: hidropesía, pronunciation: drɑpsi part of speech: noun oedema in spanish: edema, pronunciation: oʊdimə part of speech: noun
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