Economics in spanish

Ciencias económicas

pronunciation: θienθiɑsekoʊnoʊmikɑs part of speech: noun
In gestures

economics = economía, gestión económica, aspectos económicos, aspectos financieros. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras con esta terminación y usadas en singular]

Example: The social sciences class, 300, subsumes economics, Politics, Law and Education.


» agricultural economics = ciencias agrícolas. 

Example: While the majority of agriculturists in the fields of agricultural economics and forestry preferred technical reports, agronomists preferred conference proceedings = Pincha en para ver otras palabras con esta terminación y usadas en singular.

» business economics = economía empresarial.

Example: The skills that students acquire in their study of business economics make them some of the most sought-after graduates in the country.

» economics of the situation, the = situación económica, la. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: Not so much has been done along these lines, beyond the bounds of arithmetic, as might be done, primarily because of the economics of the situation.

» geoeconomics = geoeconomía.

Example: Geoeconomics will play an important role in the coming five years.

» macroeconomics = macroeconomía.

Example: A major problem in macroeconomics is forecasting the growth of the national economy.

» managerial economics = economía empresarial, economía de gestión, economía gerencial, economía de negocios.

Example: Managerial economics is concerned with the application of economic principles and methodologies to business decision problems.

» market economics = economía de mercado.

Example: But the introduction of market economics, galloping inflation and the breakdown of old administrative structures are causing problems, especially over funding..

» microeconomics = microeconomía.

Example: The model itself may be useful for investigating the microeconomics of on-line information retrieval = El modelo en sí puede ser útil para investigar la microeconomía de la recuperación de la información en línea.

Economics synonyms

economic science in spanish: ciencia economica, pronunciation: ekənɑmɪksaɪəns part of speech: noun political economy in spanish: economía política, pronunciation: pəlɪtəkəlɪkɑnəmi part of speech: noun
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