Echoing in spanish

Haciendo eco

pronunciation: ɑθiendoʊekoʊ part of speech: verb
In gestures

echo2 = hacer eco. 

Example: Soon the hills began to echo with the thud of the woodsman's axe and a sawmill was erected.


» far-echoing = haciendo eco en la distancia.

Example: After this I seemed to hear the far-echoing voices of a great multitude in Heaven, who said, 'Hallelujah!'.

echo3 = hacerse eco de, repetir. [Pasado y Participio echoed]

Example: Kozol's emphasis on the rate of change must be echoed here.


» echo + sentiments = expresar sentimientos.

Example: Such sentiments were echoed in several government reports which called for more public participation in the decisions of government that affect the citizens' daily lives.

Echoing synonyms

reechoing in spanish: reecoing, pronunciation: rietʃwɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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