Eater in spanish
pronunciation: teneɹ̩siempɹ̩ebuenɑpetitoʊ part of speech: noun

eater = consumidor. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]
Example: It has puzzled many commentators that the name of such a respectable provincial library should appear in the novel 'Confessions of an Opium eater', an account of the bizarre nightmares suffered by De Quincey, the author, as a result of his addiction to opium.more:
» anteater [ant-eater] = oso hormiguero.
Example: Crocodiles, giant snakes, aardvarks, and anteaters on the other hand release significant amounts of methane.» be a finicky eater = ser muy delicado para comer, ser muy delicado con la comida, ser muy melindroso para comer, ser muy melindroso con la comida, ser muy tiquismiquis con la comida, ser muy tiquismiquis para comer.
Example: As frustrating as a finicky eater may be, this is a great time to teach your child to try new things, before he gets too set in his ways and begins to reject new foods.» be a fussy eater = ser muy delicado para comer, ser muy delicado con la comida, ser muy melindroso para comer, ser muy melindroso con la comida, ser muy tiquismiquis con la comida, ser muy tiquismiquis para comer.
Example: Good news is that my dinner was a class act, and they even got the steak perfect, which is a feat for such a fussy eater like me.» be a hearty eater = tener un buen saque, ser un buen comedor.
Example: Some children are hearty eaters, while others are very picky.» be a picky eater = ser muy delicado para comer, ser muy delicado con la comida, ser muy melindroso para comer, ser muy melindroso con la comida, ser muy tiquismiquis con la comida, ser muy tiquismiquis para comer.
Example: You shouldn't cook special meals just for a picky eater, but do include something he or she likes in every meal.» big eater = persona que come mucho, comilón, comelón.
Example: I keep wondering, how can such a big eater like me be satisfied with just 3-4 spoonful of rice?.» fish eater = piscívoro, comedor de pescado, persona que le gusta comer pescado, animal que se alimenta de peces, animal que come peces.
Example: Now, I'm not much of a fish eater because I typically don't like the smell of fish.» hearty eater = buen comedor.
Example: Previously a hearty eater who may have been a few pounds overweight, food now has no meaning for him and he has seen his pants size diminish two sizes.» heavy eater = persona que come mucho, comilón, comelón.
Example: For instance his research found that 'when eating in groups of four or eight, light eaters ate more, and heavy eaters ate less'.» insect eater = comedor de insectos, insectívoro.
Example: Insect eaters, known as insectivores, can be as small as insects or as large as giant anteaters.» light eater = persona que come poco.
Example: For instance, his research found that 'when eating in groups of four or eight, light eaters ate more, and heavy eaters ate less'.» man-eater = caníbal, animal que ataca al hombre.
Example: Man-eaters epitomize this in their ability to somehow overcome human intelligence and hunt our species as any other animal.» man-eater = devoradora de hombres, mujer fatal.
Example: She has hit out at rumours that she is a man-eater.» meat eater = carnívoro.
Example: Some dinosaurs were meat eaters but most were plant eaters.» messy eater = ponerlo todo perdido al comer.
Example: Our chickens are such messy eaters -- they throw more of their food on the floor than they swallow.» moderate eater = persona que come moderadamente.
Example: Successful moderate eaters do so in part because they are not inflexible, and do not obsess over singular foods.» plant eater = herbívoro.
Example: Some dinosaurs were meat eaters but most were plant eaters.» space eater = mobiliario que ocupa mucho espacio.
Example: Thus a very advanced process is followed by tedious manual filing in the monstrous space eaters which the card catalogues of large libraries have become.