Easter in spanish

Pascua de Resurrección

pronunciation: pɑskuɑderesurekθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

Easter = Pascua. 

Example: This article provides a historical review and bibliography of Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving songs.


» Easter break, the = vacaciones de Semana Santa, las; puente de Semana Santa, el.

Example: The first day back at work after the Easter break, and Sal Kilkenny is already rushed off her feet.

» Easter bunny, the = conejo de Pascua, el.

Example: The article is entitled 'Some Fantasy Characters of Young Children: An Examination of Children's Beliefs in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny'.

» Easter candle = cirio pascual.

Example: We make many Easter candles at a time and use them on our dinner table for the whole month leading up to Easter.

» Easter egg = huevo de Pascua.

Example: In many countries around the world, decorating Easter eggs is an annual spring tradition.

» Easter Island = Isla de Pascua.

Example: This volume contains abstracts and author/subject indexes for the scholarly articles in the journal specializing in the culture and prehistory of Easter Island.

» Easter Monday = Lunes de Pascua.

Example: The author explains the ecclesiastical rites associated with Palm Sunday, Easter Monday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.

» Easter rabbit = conejo de Pascua.

Example: Those Easter rabbits who survive the first few months quickly reach maturity and that is when the interest in them starts to wane, because they are no longer cute and tiny.

» Easter Saturday = Sábado de Pascua.

Example: He offers an ethical response to the theology of Easter Saturday.

» Easter Season = período de Pascua.

Example: Eastertide, or the Easter Season, begins on Easter Sunday and continues until Pentecost in the Christian liturgical calendar, thus spanning a total of seven weeks.

» Easter Sunday = Domingo de Pascua, Domingo de Resurrección.

Example: The author explains the ecclesiastical rites associated with Palm Sunday, Easter Monday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.

» Easter vacation, the  = vacaciones de Semana Santa, las.

Example: Subject to demand it may also be possible to arrange a trip to Turkey in the Easter vacation.

» Easter week = Semana Santa.

Example: During Easter week, 1971, Cincinnati will be the hostess of the 50th anniversary convention of the Catholic Library Association.

Easter synonyms

easterly in spanish: del este, pronunciation: istɜrli part of speech: adjective, adverb east wind in spanish: Viento del este, pronunciation: istwaɪnd part of speech: noun
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