Earthly in spanish


pronunciation: terenɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

earthly [earthlier -comp., earthliest -sup.] = terrenal, terreno, mundano, mundanal. [Pincha en o en para ver otros adjetivos cuyo grados comparativos y superlativos se formas añadiendo "-er" o "-est" (o sus variantes "-r" o "-st") al final]

Example: After that I could never pass a dead man without stopping to gaze on his face, stripped by death of that earthly patina which masks the living soul.


» unearthly [unearthlier - comp., uneartliest -sup.] = sobrenatural, no terrenal, celestial. 

Example: Her face glowed with unearthly radiance and her form was as perfect as any woman -- whether goddess or mortal -- could ever desire to possess.

Earthly synonyms

mundane in spanish: mundano, pronunciation: məndeɪn part of speech: adjective temporal in spanish: temporal, pronunciation: tempɜrəl part of speech: adjective terrestrial in spanish: terrestre, pronunciation: tɜrestriəl part of speech: adjective terrene in spanish: terreno, pronunciation: tɜrrin part of speech: adjective earthbound in spanish: terrestre, pronunciation: ɜrθbaʊnd part of speech: adjective sublunary in spanish: sublunario, pronunciation: sʌbləneri part of speech: adjective earthborn in spanish: mortal, pronunciation: ɜrθbɔrn part of speech: adjective earthlike in spanish: tierra como, pronunciation: ɜrθlaɪk part of speech: adjective sublunar in spanish: sublunar, pronunciation: sʌblənɜr part of speech: adjective

Earthly antonyms

heavenly pronunciation: hevənli part of speech: adjective
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