Earnings in spanish


pronunciation: gɑnɑnθiɑs part of speech: noun
In gestures

earnings = ganancia, sueldo, ingresos. 

Example: It was noteworthy that nearly all SLIS were maintaining their IT materials as much, if not more, from earnings from entrepreneurial activity than out of institutional allocation.

Earnings synonyms

net in spanish: red, pronunciation: net part of speech: adjective, noun pay in spanish: paga, pronunciation: peɪ part of speech: verb, noun remuneration in spanish: remuneración, pronunciation: rɪmjunɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun profit in spanish: lucro, pronunciation: prɑfət part of speech: noun wage in spanish: salario, pronunciation: weɪdʒ part of speech: noun lucre in spanish: lucro, pronunciation: lukɜr part of speech: noun salary in spanish: salario, pronunciation: sælɜri part of speech: noun profits in spanish: ganancias, pronunciation: prɑfɪts part of speech: noun net income in spanish: lngresos netos, pronunciation: netɪnkəm part of speech: noun net profit in spanish: beneficio neto, pronunciation: netprɑfət part of speech: noun
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