Dysfunction in spanish


pronunciation: disfunθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

dysfunction = disfunción, anomalía, fallo. 

Example: Dysfunctions in performance were chiefly attributable to user failure to locate books (bad signposting and disappearance of stock through theft).


» erectile dysfunction = disfunción eréctil.

Example: This study was carried out mainly to document medicinal plants used in the treatment of sexual impotence and erectile dysfunction disorders.

» female sexual dysfunction = disfunción sexual femenina, disfunción sexual de la mujer.

Example: Female sexual dysfunction refers to the inability of a woman to function adequately in terms of sexual desire, sexual arousal, orgasm, or in coital situations.

» muscle dysfunction = disfunción muscular.

Example: Stress, if left unchecked, can cause such physical problems as muscle dysfunction, spasms, headaches and cricks in the neck.

» sexual dysfunction = disfunción sexual.

Example: Sex may be a natural act, but for the millions who suffer from sexual dysfunction, it can be vexingly unattainable.

» systolic dysfunction = disfunción sistólica.

Example: Systolic dysfunction refers to impaired ventricular contraction.
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