Dynamics in spanish


pronunciation: dinɑmikɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

dynamics = dinámica. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras con esta terminación y usadas en singular]

Example: Many students, after working with cases, have testified to the help they received in developing a clearer concept of the dynamics of human relationships in organizational settings.


» aerodynamics = aerodinámica. 

Example: The experiment consisted of 200 documents in the field of aerodynamics, which had been indexed as part of the project.

» group dynamics = dinámica de grupo.

Example: The purpose of this field research was to explore the relationship between member perceptions of internal group dynamics and group productivity.

» psychodynamics = sicodinámica. 

Example: This game provides children an opportunity to talk about themselves in a way that is less anxiety provoking than traditional methods of eliciting information about their underlying psychodynamics.

» social dynamics = dinámica social. [Generalmente usado en plural]

Example: The system gave rise to a double-faced social dynamic -- inside/inside -- which proved itself able to adapt rather well to social change.

» thermodynamics = termodinámica. 

Example: In this study the concept of entropy well-known in information theory and thermodynamics is applied to the fields of scientometrics and innovation research.

Dynamics synonyms

kinetics in spanish: cinética, pronunciation: kənetɪks part of speech: noun
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