Dying in spanish


pronunciation: moʊɹ̩ibundoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

dying1 = Participio de presente del verbo die (morir). [Véase éste y sus derivados para los distintos significados]

Example: Staff leaving for other jobs, retiring or simply dying (the age profile is inexorably rising in most SLIS) are nor replaced.


» be dying to + Infinitivo = morirse por + Infinitivo.

Example: The article 'What our children are dying to know: AIDS information dissemination and the library' examines the paternalist approach (which censors information available and advocates abstinence) and the neutralist approach (which is based a respect for adolescent autonomy and reservation of moral judgement).

» come + close to dying = casi morir, casi fallecer, estar a punto de morir.

Example: When we think about near death experiences we picture someone that has come close to dying, but does not actually die.

dying2 = moribundo, mortecino. 

Example: The article 'The librarian in the hospice' describes how the librarian seeks to support St Christopher's Hospice staff in caring for dying patients while also handling many requests from health-care workers in the UK and abroad for information.


» a dying art = un arte en extinción, un arte que se está perdiendo.

Example: Beekeeping is a dying art but as long as we require food to eat, there will be a need for honeybees and beekeepers.

» assisted dying = muerte asistida.

Example: The book's thesis is that assisted dying should be one of the options available to terminally ill patients in the event of palliative measures being inadequate.

» dying bed = lecho de muerte. [Uso arcaico]

Example: Very soon after graduation, he was summoned to attend the dying bed of the mother whom he loved so much.

» Posesivo + dying breath = Posesivo + último suspiro, Posesivo + último aliento, Posesivo + última boqueada.

Example: A murder victim shot through the heart in a gang-related killing managed to name his attacker 'in his dying breath'.

» dying breed = especie en (vías de) extinción.

Example: Data is rare in this area, but what they do have suggests that atheists are a dying breed.

» Posesivo + dying last words = Posesivo + últimas palabras.

Example: The narrator starts off the story by describing his grandfather's dying last words.

» Posesivo + dying wish = Posesivo + última voluntad, Posesivo + último deseo.

Example: A girl's dying wish was granted when her favourite singer sang her to sleep as she took her last breath.

» take + Posesivo + dying breath = dar + Posesivo + último aliento, dar + Posesivo + último suspiro, dar las últimas boqueadas, dar las boqueadas.

Example: As he took his dying breath, the last thing that he thought he'd tell me is 'It's better to die for nothing than to kill just for your country'.

die2 = morir. [Particpio presente dying]

Example: I understand that Mr. Haykin was hoping to develop a code for subject practice, but he died and it was never done, so that today we lack a code.


» die + a dignified death = tener una muerte digna, morir dignamente, morir con dignidad.

Example: To me, a head of state, however an evil dictator he was (and he WAS), should die a dignified death at the hand of state.

» die + a horrible death = tener una muerte horrible, morir una muerte horrible.

Example: The article is entitled 'Making friends with the Web: traditional vendors must accept the Web, or die a horrible death'.

» die + a natural death = morir de forma natural, morir de manera natural, morir de muerte natural, morir de/por causas naturales.

Example: Terminally ill patients often have concerns in areas such as donation of body parts, right to die a natural death, and other questions.

» die at + the stake = morir en la hoguera.

Example: He refused all attempts to convert him, and died at the stake on 2 June 1529 at Innsbruck.

» die away = disiparse, morir.

Example: The desire soon dies away and the book is forgotten if copies are not handy = El deseo pronto muere y el libro se olvida si no hay ejemplares a mano.

» die back = morir desintegrándose en la tierra. [Generalmente referido a las plantas]

Example: The valley turns a dramatic rusty orange colour over the autumn as the bracken starts to die back.

» die back to + the ground = morir desintegrándose en la tierra. [Generalmente referido a las plantas]

Example: Perennial plants are often called herbaceous, meaning they have soft or succulent green stems that will die back to the ground in the winter.

» die before + Posesivo + time = morir antes de tiempo.

Example: From suicide to auto accidents and airplane crashes, these music legends died before their time.

» die down = amainar, calmarse, apaciguarse, aplacarse, ceder, menguar.

Example: The strong winds have died down as the morning has progressed but it is still gusty at times out on the mountain.

» die for + Posesivo + country = morir por + Posesivo + país.

Example: Many people die for their country and many kill other people for their country or for their religious beliefs.

» die from + cancer = morir de cáncer, fallecer de cáncer.

Example: Monte Rissell, who killed five women, upon learning that one of his victims had a father dying from cancer, let her go free because his own father had died from cancer.

» die + heroically = morir heroicamente, morir como un héroe.

Example: I think he wanted to die heroically, but didn't quite manage it.

» die in + a state of grace = morir en gracia, morir en estado de gracia.

Example: If the person died in a state of grace, Christ will reward the individual in proportion to his good works.

» die + in childbirth = morir de parto.

Example: The number of women dying in childbirth worldwide has dropped dramatically.

» die in + exile = morir en el exilio, morir en el destierro.

Example: Everyone is born a king, and most people die in exile, like most kings.

» die in + harness = morir trabajando, morir al pie del cañón, morir con las botas puestas.

Example: One in ten expects to be so skint in old age, they plan on dying in harness.

» die in + Posesivo + boots = morir trabajando, morir con las botas puestas, morir al pie del cañón.

Example: Nancy was beginning to tire of the workload and, as she kiddingly told her husband, George, worried that she'd 'die in her boots at Stoneymead'.

» die in + poverty = morir en la pobreza, morir en la miseria.

Example: A life long gambler, he ended up dying in poverty in 1762 at the age of 87.

» die in + the attempt = morir en el intento, morir intentándolo.

Example: He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt.

» die in + the process = morir en el intento, morir intentándolo.

Example: We will continue fighting until we succeed or die in the process.

» die + naturally = morir de forma natural, morir de manera natural, morir de muerte natural, morir de/por causas naturales.

Example: Her lawyer had asked the High Court to uphold her client's right to die at the time of her choosing but she died naturally.

» die of + a broken heart = morir de amor, morir de pena.

Example: She was extremely upset and heartbroken so we think she died of a broken heart.

» die of + exhaustion = morir de agotamiento, morir por agotamiento.

Example: He was unmarried and died of exhaustion through overwork, leaving many debts.

» die off = morir poco a poco, morir gradualmente, extinguirse poco a poco, extinguirse gradualmente.

Example: Bees in southern Germany have been dying off in their hundreds of thousands.

» die of + hunger = morir de hambre, morir de inanición.

Example: He who is dying of hunger must be fed rather than taught.

» die of + love = morir de amor.

Example: Rees sums it up by saying: 'As for her death, whatever explanation one may give of it will amount in the end to saying that she died of love'.

» die of + natural causes = morir de forma natural, morir de manera natural, morir de muerte natural, morir de/por causas naturales.

Example: Jamaica police have confirmed that Bob Woolmer died of natural causes and was not murdered.

» die of + old age = morir de viejo.

Example: The article is entitled 'The library movement: dying of old age at thirty: a personal view'.

» die of + starvation = morir de hambre, morir de inanición.

Example: Duc was dethroned three days after he was crowned, he was then jailed and died seven days later of starvation.

» die on + the spot = quedarse en el sitio, morir al instante, morir instantáneamente.

Example: Three persons died on the spot, while one was declared dead on arrival al the hospital.

» die out = extinguirse, desaparecer, caer en desuso.

Example: These changes accelerated through much of the nineteenth century, with the older material such as the chivalric romance dying out about the 1960s.

» die + there and then = quedarse en el sitio, morir al instante, morir instantáneamente.

Example: About two weeks into the battle Fusilier Turrington was shot in the neck by a sniper and died there and then.

» die + trying = morir en el intento, morir intentándolo.

Example: He didn't get rich but he died trying.

» die with + dignity = morir con dignidad, morir dignamente, tener una muerte digna.

Example: I feel that's what we have to do; let this type of library service die with dignity, and not keep patching it up with money and people.

» die with + Posesivo + boots on = morir trabajando, morir con las botas puestas, morir al pie del cañón.

Example: She said she was grieving, but that she was proud that her son died with his boots on.

» die with + Posesivo + clogs on = morir trabajando, morir con las botas puestas, morir al pie del cañón.

Example: He applied for an engagement at a variety theatre, saying, 'I know I am dying, and I want to die with my clogs on'.

» eat, drink and be merry (for tomorrow we die) = a beber y a tragar que el mundo se va a acabar.

Example: Before we get down to business, let's eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die," the CEO said after everyone had arrived.

» fire + die = fuego + apagarse.

Example: Night was in full bloom, most of the food had been devoured and the fire was dying.

» nearly + die = casi + morir. [Utilizado para expresar sorpresa]

Example: All he said was that she nearly died when she saw him wrapped up in bandages.

» old habits die hard = las viejas costumbres son difíciles de erradicar, las viejas costumbres no se pierden fácilmente, genio y figura hasta la sepultura.

Example: It's become painfully obvious to me that old habits die hard, and I'll be honest -- it scares the hell out of me.

» old ways never die, the = viejas costumbres nunca desaparecen, las.

Example: But thankfully the old ways never die, just think about stone engraving, calligraphy, horseback riding, and wood-burning fireplaces.

» right to die = derecho a la muerte.

Example: This article reviews a selection of valuable books, periodical articles, organizations and agencies providing information on euthanasia and right-to-die laws of US states.

» those who live by the sword die by the sword = quien a hierro mata, a hierro muere.

Example: The death of the deposed Libyan leader on Thursday brings to life the old saying that those who live by the sword, die by the sword.

» to die for = excelente, fantástico, genial.

Example: This is a story that can't possibly work or affect us, but it does, deeply, sweetly -- it's a novel to die for.

» tumult + die = tumulto + acabar.

Example: The tumult died as people came to their senses and integrated A/V materials into their collections and cataloguing rules.

Dying synonyms

death in spanish: muerte, pronunciation: deθ part of speech: noun anxious in spanish: ansioso, pronunciation: æŋkʃəs part of speech: adjective demise in spanish: fallecimiento, pronunciation: dɪmaɪz part of speech: noun

Dying antonyms

birth pronunciation: bɜrθ part of speech: noun
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