Dwelling in spanish


pronunciation: bibiendɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

dwell = morar, habitar, vivir, residir. 

Example: He will dwell in the church that is built by martyrs fighting for justice, by children starving of hunger, by mothers and fathers walking the streets of misery.


» dwell on/upon = explicar largamente, explayarse. [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio dwelt]

Example: Annotations found in bibliographies may be less stylized and are more likely to dwell on the subject content.

» dwell on/upon = comerse el tarro, darle vueltas a.

Example: One of the best things you can do for your peace of mind is to learn how to stop dwelling on the errors of the past.

» dwell on/upon + the past = vivir en el pasado, no dejar de pensar en el pasado.

Example: The following are famous quotes about the present, advocating living for today instead of dwelling on the past.

dwelling = vivienda. 

Example: He went on to explain that while there were no unsightly slums, there was a fairly large district of rather nondescript homes intermingled with plain two- and three-family brick and frame dwellings, principally in the eastern reaches of the city.


» cave dwelling = cueva, caverna. [Usada como vivienda]

Example: The inhabitants are depicted as bestialised, living like troglodytes in cave dwellings, and tormented by their ignorance and their occult superstitions.

» community-dwelling = residente en la comunidad. [Adjetivo utilizado como contrapuesto a aquellas personas, generalmente mayores, que necesitan ayuda y viven en residencias o instituciones similares]

Example: This study measures the connection between social engagement and levels of depression among the community-dwelling elderly.

» frame dwelling = vivienda con estructura de madera.

Example: To be sure, it still has its congeries of mills and factories, its grimy huddle of frame dwellings and congested tenements, its stark, jagged skyline, but its old face is gradually changing.

Dwelling synonyms

home in spanish: casa, pronunciation: hoʊm part of speech: noun domicile in spanish: domicilio, pronunciation: dɑməsəl part of speech: noun abode in spanish: morada, pronunciation: əboʊd part of speech: noun habitation in spanish: habitación, pronunciation: hæbəteɪʃən part of speech: noun dwelling house in spanish: casa de vivienda, pronunciation: dwelɪŋhaʊs part of speech: noun
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