Dweller in spanish


pronunciation: ɑbitɑnte part of speech: noun
In gestures

dweller = habitante, morador, residente. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: Most of the research and interest in leaves as habitats for bacteria have focused on the nature of the leaf surface and its dwellers.


» cave dweller = cavernícola, troglodita, hombre de las cavernas.

Example: The domestic dog, considered to be the first tamed animal, is coexisting with human beings since the days of the cave dwellers.

» city dweller = urbanita, habitante de la ciudad.

Example: A table shows the number of students who passed through the courses during their 5-year existence, and characteristics such as city or country dweller, from public or special library.

» country dweller = habitante del campo.

Example: Country dwellers were 'ignorant of many of the things which it is a pleasure and a happiness to know'.

» desert dweller = habitante del desierto.

Example: Residents will be forced to live as the earliest desert dwellers, without any of today's conveniences.

» forest dweller = habitante del bosque.

Example: I believe however that the record needs to be set straight on the assumption that all indigenous forest dwellers live in 'harmonious coexistence' with nature.

» mountain dweller = montañés.

Example: For mountain dwellers it's not the lack of oxygen that takes their breath away, it's the lack of food.

» shanty-town dweller = chabolista.

Example: Could this mean that we will regress to be a nation of shanty-town dwellers as people find it impossible to find a home they can afford?.

» slum dweller = chabolista.

Example: While some 227 million slum dwellers have escaped their conditions in the past decade, the overall population of slums has swelled by nearly 60 million in the same period.

» town dweller = habitante de la ciudad, habitante de un pueblo.

Example: Town dwellers, burghers, and tradespeople were considered middle class.

» urban dweller = habitante de la ciudad, habitante de la urbe.

Example: Because of the rigidity described earlier the library was not able to respond to the survival and safety/security needs of those who were urban dwellers in the mid twentieth century.

Dweller synonyms

denizen in spanish: habitante, pronunciation: denəzən part of speech: noun inhabitant in spanish: habitante, pronunciation: ɪnhæbətənt part of speech: noun
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