Duty in spanish


pronunciation: debeɹ̩ part of speech: noun
In gestures

duty [duties, -pl.]1 = deber, tarea, cometido, obligación. 

Example: Organisations often expect an information officer or librarian to prepare such abstracts as are necessary, in addition to performing various other information duties.


» assume + a duty = asumir + Posesivo + deber, asumir + Posesivo + obligación, asumir un deber, asumir una obligación, asumir una tarea.

Example: He was a descriptive cataloger at Princeton and was promoted to Acting Head Cataloger, and subsequently Head Cataloger at Princeton, the position he left before assuming his present duties at LC.

» be derelict in + duty = ser dejado en la obligación de Uno.

Example: I think a person would be derelict in his or her duty not to forewarn someone about a problem.

» be off duty = haber terminado la jornada laboral.

Example: To enhance the productivity of reference librarians, libraries might consider ways to tap their expertise while the librarians themselves are off duty.

» be on official duty = cumplir (con) + Posesivo + obligaciones oficiales.

Example: Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands was back on official duty today, her first engagement since her son's skiing accident.

» be on point duty = dirigir el tráfico, dirigir la circulación, dirigir el tránsito.

Example: He was fatally injured when run over by an army lorry while on point duty.

» beyond the call of duty = más allá de la obligación, más allá del deber.

Example: It is this combination of an easy question with a long-drawn out search and response that identify such enquiries as beyond the reasonable call of duty.

» breach of duty = incumplimiento del deber.

Example: Compensatory damages are paid to compensate the claimant for loss, injury, or harm suffered by another's breach of duty.

» carry out + a duty = realizar una tarea.

Example: The responsibility for manning the one telephone left at the disposal of a residue of callers fell to a single officer who had other duties to carry out to justify his keep.

» civic duty = deber ciudadano.

Example: Libraries assist patrons in meeting their civic duty by offering meeting space for civic organizations, assisting in voter registration, and making tax forms available.

» come off + duty = terminar turno de trabajo.

Example: Few nurses write for their profession, and the reading habit may give way to other pursuits when nurses come off duty exhausted.

» dereliction of duty = negligencia en el cumplimiento del deber.

Example: Jeremy Sivits, 24, a reservist with the military police, is to face a public court martial in Baghdad on charges of cruelty and abuse, and dereliction of duty for failing to protect the inmates.

» desk duty = turno de trabajo de atención al usuario.

Example: One seasoned supervisor insisted that in order to appear businesslike, staff reading while on desk duty should hold a pencil.

» discharge + Posesivo + duty = cumplir (con) + Posesivo + un deber, desempeñar una función.

Example: How this international agency discharges its political and economical duties is examined.

» do + double duty = tener una doble función, servir una doble función.

Example: A lot of common household items can be surprisingly helpful when you prep your dinner -- everything from a hammer to a hair dryer and rubber bands can do double duty in the kitchen.

» domestic duty = trabajo doméstico, tarea del hogar.

Example: Feminist organisations have been able to legitimate flexible working time thereby circumventing the formerly rigid hours of work which barred women from fulfilling their domestic duties.

» duty accomplished = deber cumplido.

Example: Then she sat back, happy in the virtuous sensation of duty accomplished.

» duty-bound = obligado por el deber, obligado por el sentido del deber, impuesto por el deber, impuesto por el sentido del deber.

Example: From his duty-bound, fallibilist perspective, skeptics who do not believe enough are as bad as dogmatists who believe too intensely.

» duty day = día de guardia, día de turno.

Example: Airlines want shorter pilot duty days, but more flying time.

» duty librarian = bibliotecario en servicios mínimos.

Example: One of the supervisor's jobs is to see that work is prepared for the duty librarian to do during recess and lunchtime.

» duty officer = oficial de servicio.

Example: The 'first post' was sounded when the duty officer started his rounds and, as the party proceeded from post to post, a drum was played.

» duty + Profesión = de guardia.

Example: Another rota system operates in some magistrates courts, whereby a duty solicitor is on hand to assist people facing criminal charges who otherwise would be unrepresented = En algunos juzgados de asuntos menores el sistema de turnos es diferente pues siempre hay un abogado procurador de guardia a mano para ayudar a la gente acusada de delito criminal que de lo contrario no tendrían representación.

» duty roster = lista de personas y cometidos.

Example: One of the supervisor's jobs is to arrange duty rosters for library staff.

» fail + Posesivo + duty = descuidar las obligaciones de uno.

Example: If he attempts to deal with a query about China without first ensuring that it is the country and not the porcelain that is meant he is failing his duty.

» familial duty = deber familiar.

Example: This measure has allowed women to meet their familial duties whilst maintaining their foothold on the employment ladder.

» foist + Nombre + on + Alguien + as a duty = endosar una tarea a Alguien, imponer una tarea a Alguien.

Example: Have reading foisted on you as a duty, a task to be put up with, from which you expect no delight, and it can appear a drab business gladly to be given up.

» fulfil + Posesivo + duty = cumplir (con) + Posesivo + deber, cumplir (con) un deber, desempeñar + Posesivo + obligación, desempeñar una obligación.

Example: By making a special effort to serve the needs of the lower socioeconomic groups, the public library is seen as fulfilling its duty to serve all the community.

» go on + duty = comenzar el turno de trabajo.

Example: Communication is making unique experience common; that definition should be at the head of every library textbook and should be rubbed into every member of staff as he goes on duty.

» guard duty = turno de guardia.

Example: The children were involved in manual labour, guard duty, front-line fighting, bomb manufacture, setting sea/land mines & radio & communication.

» heavy-duty = muy resistente, de alta resistencia, de alto rendimiento, para uso industrial, para trabajos pesados.

Example: It uses a heavy-duty seal and is therefore watertight, but not submersible.

» jury duty = servicio de jurado, llamamiento para formar parte de un jurado. [Deber ciudadano de formar pate de un jurado]

Example: Payment for time not worked includes vacations, sick leave, holidays, and leave because of National Guard duty, jury duty, death in the family, and personal business.

» library duty = tarea bibliotecaria.

Example: Library duties discussed include book selection and counter work of various types = Las tareas bibliotecarias que se discuten incluyen la selección de libros y el trabajo de mostrador de diversos tipos.

» moral duty = deber moral.

Example: While many scholars concede that military interventions are sometimes permissible, they balk when it comes to deciding whether they are ever a moral duty.

» National Guard duty = servicio en la Guardia Nacional.

Example: Payment for time not worked includes vacations, sick leave, holidays, and leave because of National Guard duty, jury duty, death in the family, and personal business.

» neglect of duty = negligencia en el deber, incumplimiento del deber.

Example: A chapter on adequate cause for dismissal addresses incompetency, neglect of duty, insubordination, and immoral or unethical conduct.

» off-duty = fuera de servicio, libre de servicio.

Example: An off-duty doorman was coshed over the head as he confronted a man smashing up his car outside a nightclub, a jury heard.

» official duties = obligaciones oficiales.

Example: Germany warns France there is no easy way out after it elects anti-austerity president -- as sour-faced Sarko breaks cover for last official duties.

» on duty = de servicio, de guardia, de turno.

Example: One simple way to reduce the distance between the user and the librarian is to provide nameplates introducing the librarian(s) on duty.

» parental duty = deber de los padres, deber paternal, deber paterno.

Example: We got a licking when we messed up -- it was part of parental duty and loving concern.

» perform + a duty = desempeñar una obligación, realizar una tarea.

Example: This is an attempt to describe the sort of person who could adequately perform the duties given in the job description.

» position + entail + duty = funciones del puesto de trabajo.

Example: The position of deputy librarian or deputy director exists in all but the smallest libraries, and there is a measure of agreement as to what his duties should entail.

» professional duty = deber profesional.

Example: Pro bono work should be a part of professional duty, not looked on as a charitable act = El trabajo desinteresado debería formar parte de los deberes profesionales y no considerarse como un acto caritativo.

» pull + double duty = tener una doble función, servir una doble función.

Example: Check out these products that pull double-duty and can cut your makeup budget in half.

» relieve + Nombre + of + Posesivo + duty = relevar de una obligación, relevar de un cargo.

Example: I believe that it was in a West Riding town that three successive chief constables were relieved of their duties because they were drunk and incapable.

» sense of duty = sentido del deber.

Example: The librarian's common general values include the desire for competence and autonomy at work, cooperation, tolerance and a sense of duty, and an appreciation of basic human needs of security, acceptance and self-respect.

» staff duties = funciones del personal, tareas del personal.

Example: It is very important that staff duties, professional and non-professional, be noted.

» tour of duty = período de servicio.

Example: Her 'tour of duty' extended from the end of September 1987 to the end of March of the following year, summertime for the Southern Hemisphere.



» customs duties = aranceles, tarifas arancelarias, derechos de aduana.

Example: These 'own resources' comprise agricultural and sugar levies, customs duties and a percentage of value added tax (VAT).

» duty-free = libre de impuestos, sin impuestos. 

Example: Nowhere is this climate of change more dramatic than within Europe, which in 1991 accounted for over 50% of worldwide duty-free sales.

» import duty = arancel de importación, impuesto de aduana, arancel de aduana.

Example: The government should slash import duty on gold to 2 per cent from the existing 10 per cent.

» pay + duties = pagar los aranceles, pagar los impuestos.

Example: If you do have something to declare, you will need to pay duties and taxes on the items before you are allowed to proceed.

» stamp duty = impuesto del timbre.

Example: This practice enabled newspaper publishers to avoid half the stamp duty payable between 1712 and 1794.

Duty synonyms

responsibility in spanish: responsabilidad, pronunciation: rispɑnsəbɪləti part of speech: noun obligation in spanish: obligación, pronunciation: ɑbləgeɪʃən part of speech: noun tariff in spanish: arancel, pronunciation: terəf part of speech: noun
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