Duster in spanish


pronunciation: plumeɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

duster = trapo del polvo, paño del polvo, paño. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que acaban con esta terminación]

Example: Someone who knows will probably strip and clean but I don't know how so it has had a rub with a duster.


» feather duster = plumero.

Example: Feather dusters use the principles of static electricity to take up small debris such as dander.

Duster synonyms

smock in spanish: delantal, pronunciation: smɑk part of speech: noun dustrag in spanish: Dustrag, pronunciation: dʌstræg part of speech: noun gaberdine in spanish: gabardina, pronunciation: gæbɜrdaɪn part of speech: noun dustcloth in spanish: trapo del polvo, pronunciation: dʌstlɔθ part of speech: noun dust coat in spanish: capa de polvo, pronunciation: dʌstkoʊt part of speech: noun
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