Dust in spanish


pronunciation: poʊlboʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

dust1 = polvo. 

Example: Dust is an enemy of microcomputers as it is with any piece of electrical apparatus, and a dust cover costing a few pounds is a worthwhile purchase.


» bite + the dust = morder el polvo, irse a pique, pasar a mejor vida, fracasar, morir.

Example: The article 'Interchange bites the dust' comments on the decision by AT&T to abandon the Interchange online service technology.

» cloud of dust = nube de polvo, polvareda.

Example: I should imagine that each time a book was removed from its shelf a cloud of dust would choke the air.

» collect + dust = acumular polvo.

Example: So why pay good money just to own the things and have them collecting dust around the house?.

» cosmic dust = polvo cósmico.

Example: Cosmic dust is made up of left over particles that have been around since the formation of our solar system.

» dustbin [dust bin] = cubo de la basura.

Example: Databases which should be gold mines degenerate into dustbins, and inter-departmental strife tears apart the organization's commitments.

» dustbrush = plumero.

Example: Cleaning needs to be done very gently with just water, or dusted with a cloth or soft dustbrush.

» dustcart [dust cart] = camión de la basura.

Example: Tributes were today being paid to a teenage binman knocked down and killed by his own dustcart.

» dust cloth = trapo del polvo.

Example: The best cleaning solution in these cases is to use a dust cloth, and compressed air can such as those sold at electronics stores.

» dust cloud = nube de polvo, polvareda, remolino de polvo.

Example: Dust clouds may also play an important role in suppressing hurricane development.

» dust cover = funda. [Envoltorio para un documento o grupo de documentos que físicamente se puede separar del documento y que suele publicarse al mismo tiempo que el documento]

Example: The printed wrappers of paper or the like placed over the cover of a document at the time of its publication are known as the book jacket or dust cover.

» dust-free = libre de polvo. 

Example: The premises of the library must be kept well-aired, dust-free and properly cleaned.

» dust jacket [dust-jacket] = sobrecubierta, funda. [Envoltorio para un documento o grupo de documentos que físicamente se puede separar del documento y que suele publicarse al mismo tiempo que el documento]

Example: Whoever cataloged it at LC, and I'm willing to bet it happened elsewhere too, probably didn't get much beyond the dust jacket where there was a big clue about something special to the book.

» dustman = basurero.

Example: Though my old man's a dustman he's got a heart of gold.

» dust mite = ácaro.

Example: Common factors affecting the quality of air in libraries include scents and other controllable irritants, dust mites, moulds and other inhaled substances associated with paper and books.

» dustpan [dust-pan] = recogedor.

Example: If you've spilled a lot of hair shampoo on the carpet, you will find it easier to remove it with a dustpan (but not the brush) rather than trying to wipe it.

» dust particle = partícula de polvo.

Example: These purifiers are targeted at asthma patients since they eliminate all dust particles rendering the air pure and clean.

» dust rag = trapo del polvo.

Example: Use a dry paper towel or dust rag to wipe down the ceiling, paying special attention to the corners.

» dust + settle = aguas + volver a su cauce. [Sentido figurado]

Example: It is likely that the library manager who chooses to wait for the dust to settle will find yet another dust storm looming on the horizon.

» dust smelling = con olor a polvo, oliendo a polvo.

Example: As one librarian summarized, 'people are not into the stuffed looking, dingy, dust smelling type of libraries anymore ... they expect atmospheres more like coffeehouses or nice bookstores'.

» dust storm = tormenta de arena, tormenta de polvo.

Example: Dust storms usually arrive suddenly in the form of an advancing wall of dust and debris which may be miles long and several thousand feet high.

» dust storm + loom in the horizon = nubarrones + formarse en el horizonte. [Sentido figurado]

Example: It is likely that the library manager who chooses to wait for the dust to settle will find yet another dust storm looming on the horizon.

» dust wrapper = sobrecubierta.

Example: Heavens! there must be dust wrappers, too; the best of the books on exhibition apparently have them, and anyway they also make a book look more professional.

» gather + dust = acumular polvo, recoger polvo, estar muerto de risa, quedarse muerto de risa.

Example: They trucks had sat gathering dust ever since, but have now been flogged off for a pittance to a second-hand dealer = Desde entonces los camiones han estado allí muertos de risa, pero ahora se han podido deshacer de ellos vendiéndoselos por cuatro perras a un compraventa de artículos de segunda mano.

» sawdust = aserrín, serrín.

Example: Sawdust and shavings, when exposed to the weather, deteriorate very rapidly and lose much of their value.

» sleepy-dust = legaña, lagaña.

Example: Jennifer sat up, rubbed the sleepy-dust from her eyes, and opened her mouth wide in a yawn and just then Bunny tickled her toes and she giggled.

» space dust = polvo cósmico, polvo espacial.

Example: The oldest space dust yet found on Earth suggests that the ancient atmosphere of Earth had significantly more oxygen than previously thought.

» stardust = polvo de estrellas.

Example: The scientists who study these grains of ancient stardust are a breed apart from the astronomers who rely on telescopes to gather information about the stars.

» turn to + dust = convertirse en polvo.

Example: Of the volumes in US research libraries it is estimated that 25% are brittle and turning to dust because of the alum sizing introduced into the paper-making process around 1850.

dust2 = quitar el polvo, limpiar el polvo, sacudir el polvo. 

Example: 550 books a day were dusted and the cleaning of 13500 volumes was completed in 5 weeks.


» be (all) done and dusted = haber acabado del todo, haber finalizado del todo, haber terminado del todo, haber acabado completamente, haber finalizado completamente, haber finalizado completamente .

Example: Another season done and dusted, but no rest for the wicked so all teams best be prepared for the new season starting next week.

» dust off = desempolvar, quitar el polvo, sacudir el polvo.

Example: Dust off your trilby and dig out your tweeds, British heritage is one of the top trends this season.

» dust off + the cobwebs = quitar las telarañas, desempolvar.

Example: The article is entitled 'Dusting off the cobwebs: turning the business archives into a managerial tool'.

» dust + Reflexivo + off = quitarse el polvo, sacudirse el polvo.

Example: Terror attacks have come with depressing regularity to Mumbai -- and each time the city, brought to its knees, has dusted itself off and forged on.

dust3 = espolvorear. 

Example: Cream puffs begin with a baked puffed shell of choux pastry which is then filled with cream and dusted with a thick coating of powdered sugar.

Dust synonyms

debris in spanish: escombros, pronunciation: dəbri part of speech: noun scatter in spanish: dispersión, pronunciation: skætɜr part of speech: noun, verb disperse in spanish: dispersar, pronunciation: dɪspɜrs part of speech: verb detritus in spanish: detrito, pronunciation: dɪtraɪtəs part of speech: noun dot in spanish: punto, pronunciation: dɑt part of speech: noun junk in spanish: basura, pronunciation: dʒʌŋk part of speech: noun sprinkle in spanish: espolvorear, pronunciation: sprɪŋkəl part of speech: verb rubble in spanish: escombros, pronunciation: rʌbəl part of speech: noun
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