Duration in spanish


pronunciation: duɹ̩ɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

duration = duración. 

Example: The search profile is fixed for the duration of any given search.


» for an extended duration = durante un largo período.

Example: While most symptoms of dizziness last seconds, they can make a person feel out of sorts for an extended duration.

» for extended durations = durante largos períodos.

Example: Is sitting in a chair with the legs crossed for extended durations detrimental to the spine?.

» for the duration = hasta el final. [Generalmente usado con este sentido al final de una frase]

Example: We do ask that all audience be able to stay for the duration.

» for the duration of = durante todo el, para todo el.

Example: Ensure you have a supply of your medication for the duration of your trip and check it is legal to bring them to your destination country.

» of short duration = de corta duración, de breve duración.

Example: There are spring freshets caused by heavy rainfalls and melting snows, and torrential floods of short duration caused by cloudbursts.

Duration synonyms

length in spanish: longitud, pronunciation: leŋkθ part of speech: noun continuance in spanish: continuación, pronunciation: kəntɪnjuəns part of speech: noun
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