Duplication in spanish


pronunciation: duplikɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

duplication = duplicado, duplicidad, repetición, réplica, copia. 

Example: A catalogue code is a systematic arrangement of laws and statutes so as to avoid inconsistency and duplication in catalogues.


» deduplication = eliminación de los duplicados.

Example: The author considers considers the effect of having multiple contributors to the database and the inevitable need for deduplication.

» duplication of effort = duplicidad de esfuerzos.

Example: Serious attention should be given to the coordination and improvement of bibliographic control at a national level to avoid duplication of effort and gaps in information coverage.

» photoduplication [photo-duplication] = fotocopiado, hacer fotocopias.

Example: In particular he championed free photoduplication of library materials as a natural extension of library services to patrons at a distance.

» spirit duplication = hacer copias mediante multicopista por disolvente.

Example: One of the advantages of spirit duplication is that errors on the master can be erased by gently removing the layer of dye with a razor blade.

Duplication synonyms

duplicate in spanish: duplicar, pronunciation: dupləkət part of speech: adjective, verb duplicating in spanish: duplicando, pronunciation: duplɪkeɪtɪŋ part of speech: verb
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