pronunciation: θumbidoʊ
part of speech: noun
drone = zángano.
Example: Consider the question, 'Where can I find out about Drones?'.
drone2 = vehículo aéreo no tripulado, drone.
Example: After countless people threatened (half-jokingly, half-seriously) to shoot down drones, someone actually did it.
drone on (about)3 = hablar monótonamente.
Example: The Conservative candidate just droned on and on and on and on without letting anyone else get a word in.
Drone synonyms
in spanish: rezagado,
pronunciation: lægɜrd
part of speech: adjective, noun
in spanish: monótono,
pronunciation: mɑnətoʊn
part of speech: noun
in spanish: Bourdon,
pronunciation: bʊrdən
part of speech: noun
in spanish: droning,
pronunciation: droʊnɪŋ
part of speech: noun
in spanish: holgazán,
pronunciation: dɔdlɜr
part of speech: noun
drone pipe
in spanish: tubo de drone,
pronunciation: droʊnpaɪp
part of speech: noun
drone on
in spanish: dron encendido,
pronunciation: droʊnɑn
part of speech: verb
pilotless aircraft
in spanish: avión sin piloto,
pronunciation: paɪlətləserkræft
part of speech: noun
radio-controlled aircraft
in spanish: avión de radio control,
pronunciation: rædioʊkəntroʊlderkræft
part of speech: noun