Disgrace in spanish
pronunciation: desgɹ̩ɑθiɑ part of speech: noun
pronunciation: desgɹ̩ɑθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

disgrace1 = deshonra, escándalo, vergüenza, oprobio, estigma, infamia. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: Distribution of any publication that tends to expose an individual to public contempt, ridicule, or disgrace is forbidden.more:
» be a disgrace = ser una vergüenza, ser vergonzoso, ser bochornoso.
Example: To most students and collectors, the profession's treatment of these resources is a disgrace.» fall into + disgrace = caer en desgracia.
Example: Once a popular heavyweight champion, he rapidly achieved success but this was only equaled with the speed which he fell into disgrace.» hold in + disgrace = desdeñar, despreciar.
Example: Yet, despite his great erudition and powerful writings, his scheme has had little success in establishing itself as a major competitor to such schemes as DC, UDC and LC, which Bliss himself held in some contempt.» tumble into + disgrace = caer en desgracia.
Example: In conversing with her you hadn't got to tread lightly and warily, lest at any moment you might rupture the relationship, and tumble into eternal disgrace.disgrace2 = deshonrar, desacreditar, poner a los pies de los caballos, dejar a los pies de los caballos. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: The League of Nations was a comically ham-handed debacle which collapsed in complete failure, disgracing all who were associated with it.