Discharge in spanish
pronunciation: deskɑɹ̩gɑ part of speech: noun, verb

discharge1 = cumplimiento, desempeño.
Example: Dependability could be subdivided into 1) discharge of own job responsibilities, 2) regular and punctual attendance , and 3) self-control.discharge10 = descargar, vaciar. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: Understand that most portable extinguishers discharge completely in as few as eight seconds, so they would be of little or no use in controlling a larger fire.discharge11 = registrar la devolución. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: The recording of the loan of the material is called 'charging' or 'issuing', the actual record of the loan is known as the 'charge' or the 'issue', and the cancellation of the record when the material is returned by the borrower is called 'discharging'.more:
» discharge + a book = tramitar la devolución de un préstamo.
Example: In the main, a library assistant's work consists of service desk duties, charging and discharging books, shelving returned books, dealing with reservations, sending overdue notices and checking the receipt of periodicals = En general, el trabajo de un auxiliar de biblioteca consiste en la atención al usuario, tramitar los préstamos y su devolución, colocar los libros en las estanterías, gestionar las reservas de libros, enviar los avisos de vencimiento de plazo y comprobar la recepción de las publicaciones periódicas.discharge2 = descarga, vaciado.
Example: In military parlance a volley is a simultaneous discharge of weapons, such as a volley of musket fire, or a broadside from a warship.more:
» discharge pipe = tubo de descarga, tubo de vaciado.
Example: My sump pump discharge pipe was joined with a union by a plumber years ago.» electrical discharge = descarga eléctrica.
Example: According to him, the phenomena observed in stellar atmospheres could be described adequately by an electrical discharge model = Según él, los fenómenos observados en las atmósferas estelares se podrían describir adecuadamente por un modelo de descarga eléctrica.» self-discharge = autodescarga, autovaciado.
Example: Self-discharge is caused by electrochemical processes within the cell and is equivalent to the application of a small external load.» static discharge = electricidad estática, descarga estática.
Example: Never use flammable materials near sources of heat, flame, sparks or static discharge.discharge3 = despido. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: A union contract usually spells out policies and procedures and workers' rights with respect to discharge.more:
» bad-conduct discharge = despido por mala conducta, despido por mal comportamiento.
Example: Prosecutors have dropped charges of rape and kidnapping against a gunnery sergeant, but he will get a bad-conduct discharge from the Marine Corps.discharge4 = alta, alta médica.
Example: In response, social workers at the University of Texas developed a computer-assisted case management programme to monitor patient outcome and discharge.discharge5 = supuración, secreción.
Example: For instance, if discharge is 'watery' or 'purulent,' vision is 'blurred,' pain is 'moderate,' then corneal trauma or infection is diagnosed.more:
» eye discharge = secreción ocular.
Example: Many dogs suffer from seasonal allergies that produce eye gook, and some breeds perpetually have problems with eye discharge.» vaginal discharge = flujo vaginal.
Example: Normal vaginal discharge has several purposes: cleaning and moistening the vagina and helping to prevent infections.discharge6 = puesta en libertad. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: A discharge means that the judge finds you guilty, but then discharges you instead of convicting you -- usually in the case of minor offences and if you have no criminal history.more:
» conditional discharge = libertad condicional.
Example: A hockey player has received a conditional discharge, community service and a suspension until January 2010 after pleading guilty to all charges.» unconditional discharge = libertad sin cargos.
Example: Only weeks before he was shot at in April, he received an unconditional discharge after pleading guilty to assaulting a police officer.discharge7 = devolución. [En circulación, retorno de un documento prestado. Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: Discharge is a lengthy process, therefore queues form at peak periods.more:
» discharge terminal = terminal de devolución.
Example: The discharge terminal is equipped with another data pen and this is used to read the books' bar code labels when they are returned.discharge8
» discharge + Posesivo + duty = cumplir (con) + Posesivo + un deber, desempeñar una función.
Example: How this international agency discharges its political and economical duties is examined.» discharge + Posesivo + function = desempeñar una función.
Example: This document prescribes a policy framework for discharging offical functions under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980.» discharge + Posesivo + responsibility = desempeñar la labor encomendada.
Example: To discharge this responsibility requires mastery of a wide range and a large number of sources.discharge9 = despedir, liberar, dar de baja. [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]
Example: By the beginning of the nineteenth century many British printers had come to rely for most of their work on relays of apprentices, who were simply discharged at the end of their terms and replaced by new apprentices.more:
» discharge from = liberar de, quedar exempto de.
Example: Failure to do so will discharge SWETS from any liability with respect to any shortcomings in the products = Si no se hace así, SWETS quedará exempto de cualquier responsabilidad legal en relación con cualquier deficiencia que puedan presentar los productos.» discharge from + hospital = dar de alta.
Example: While he did have a traffic accident 10 or so days earlier, it was not a serious one in terms of injuries and he was discharged from hospital after a couple of days.» discharge from + the army = dar de baja del ejército, desmovilizar.
Example: He had been discharged from the Army after attempting to commit suicide.» discharge from + the Navy = dar de baja de la marina, dar de baja de la armada.
Example: He was discharged from the Navy earlier this year for testing positive for cocaine use.