pronunciation: sɑlidoʊ
part of speech: noun, adjective
depart = salir, irse, marcharse, partir.
Example: He smiled again, waved goodbye, and departed.
» depart from = desviarse de, apartarse de, salirse de.
Example: It is sometimes helpful to depart from strict alphabetical arrangement.» depart to = volver a.
Example: I want to depart for a moment to something that has been discussed earlier, which is also relevant here.departed = difunto.
Example: Informative abstracts have been compared to a skeleton with all the flesh missing -- the viewer is given enough detail to accurately reconstruct what the departed soul must have looked like.
Departed synonyms
in spanish: lejos,
pronunciation: əweɪ
part of speech: adverb
in spanish: muerto,
pronunciation: ded
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: pasado,
pronunciation: pæst
part of speech: noun, adjective
in spanish: ido,
pronunciation: gɔn
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: dormido,
pronunciation: əslip
part of speech: adverb
in spanish: fallecido,
pronunciation: dɪsist
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: pasado,
pronunciation: baɪgɔn
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: hombre muerto,
pronunciation: desidənt
part of speech: noun
in spanish: resultado,
pronunciation: fɔrgɔn
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: a partir de entonces,
pronunciation: baɪpæst
part of speech: adjective
at rest
in spanish: en reposo,
pronunciation: ætrest
part of speech: adverb
at peace
in spanish: en paz,
pronunciation: ætpis
deceased person
in spanish: persona fallecida,
pronunciation: dɪsistpɜrsən
part of speech: noun
dead person
in spanish: persona muerta,
pronunciation: dedpɜrsən
part of speech: noun
dead soul
in spanish: alma muerta,
pronunciation: dedsoʊl
part of speech: noun