Denigrate in spanish


pronunciation: denigɹ̩ɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

denigrate = denigrar, descalificar, desacreditar, menospreciar, poner a los pies de los caballos, dejar a los pies de los caballos. 

Example: This is not to denigrate such writing, much of which is extremely valuable.

Denigrate synonyms

slander in spanish: calumnia, pronunciation: slændɜr part of speech: noun smear in spanish: frotis, pronunciation: smɪr part of speech: noun sully in spanish: manchar, pronunciation: sʌli part of speech: noun belittle in spanish: empequeñecer, pronunciation: bɪlɪtəl part of speech: verb besmirch in spanish: manchar, pronunciation: besmɜrk part of speech: verb defame in spanish: difamar, pronunciation: dɪfeɪm part of speech: verb derogate in spanish: derogar, pronunciation: derəgeɪt part of speech: verb minimize in spanish: minimizar, pronunciation: mɪnəmaɪz part of speech: verb calumniate in spanish: calumniar, pronunciation: kəlʌmnieɪt part of speech: verb asperse in spanish: difamar, pronunciation: əspɜrs part of speech: verb smirch in spanish: mancillar, pronunciation: smɜrtʃ part of speech: noun, verb
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