Demoralize in spanish


pronunciation: desmoʊɹ̩ɑliθɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

demoralise [demoralize, -USA] = desmoralizar. 

Example: A majority of customs officials surveyed said they are demoralized and not getting the full support they need to protect the country.

Demoralize synonyms

dismay in spanish: consternación, pronunciation: dɪsmeɪ part of speech: noun corrupt in spanish: corrupto, pronunciation: kɜrʌpt part of speech: adjective profane in spanish: profano, pronunciation: proʊfeɪn part of speech: adjective vitiate in spanish: viciar, pronunciation: vɪʃieɪt part of speech: verb pervert in spanish: pervertido, pronunciation: pɜrvɜrt part of speech: verb, noun debase in spanish: degradar, pronunciation: dəbeɪs part of speech: verb depress in spanish: deprimir, pronunciation: dɪpres part of speech: verb deprave in spanish: depravar, pronunciation: dipreɪv part of speech: verb debauch in spanish: corromper, pronunciation: debɔk part of speech: noun, verb deject in spanish: presar, pronunciation: dɪdʒekt part of speech: verb dispirit in spanish: desalentar, pronunciation: dɪspɪrɪt part of speech: verb get down in spanish: bajar, pronunciation: getdaʊn part of speech: verb misdirect in spanish: dirigir mal, pronunciation: mɪsdɪrekt part of speech: verb cast down in spanish: echar abajo, pronunciation: kæstdaʊn part of speech: verb

Demoralize antonyms

pick up pronunciation: pɪkʌp part of speech: verb elate pronunciation: ɪleɪt part of speech: verb uplift pronunciation: ʌplɪft part of speech: noun intoxicate pronunciation: ɪntɑksəkeɪt part of speech: verb lift up pronunciation: lɪftʌp part of speech: verb
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