Demonstrate in spanish


pronunciation: demoʊstɹ̩ɑɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

demonstrate = demostrar. 

Example: The two objectives are interdependent, and this can be demonstrated first by examining the first objective.


» demonstrate + beyond (all) doubt = demostrar de un modo contundente, demostrar sin ningún género de duda.

Example: The Parry Report has demonstrated beyond all doubt how critical to the functioning of a university, both as a seat of learning and a centre of research, an effective library is.

» demonstrate + beyond any doubt = demostrar sin ninguna duda, demostrar de un modo contundente, demostrar sin ningún género de duda.

Example: OCLC has demonstrated beyond any doubt that the computer can be successfully applied to traditional library problems with the most positive results.

» demonstrate + clearly = demostrar claramente.

Example: This demonstrates very clearly the technical problems that must be solved before an international network can come into existence.

» demonstrate + emphatically = demostrar tajantemente, demostrar sin ningún género de duda.

Example: It's also important, as Ben-Ami Lipetz's catalog use study at Yale University emphatically demonstrated, to get that information distributed fast.

» demonstrate + in print = demostrar Algo con pruebas.

Example: It is, naturally, difficult to demonstrate this in print.

Demonstrate synonyms

show in spanish: espectáculo, pronunciation: ʃoʊ part of speech: verb, noun present in spanish: presente, pronunciation: prezənt part of speech: adjective, noun, verb manifest in spanish: manifiesto, pronunciation: mænəfest part of speech: adjective, verb evidence in spanish: evidencia, pronunciation: evədəns part of speech: noun establish in spanish: establecer, pronunciation: ɪstæblɪʃ part of speech: verb tell in spanish: contar, pronunciation: tel part of speech: verb ascertain in spanish: cerciorarse, pronunciation: æsɜrteɪn part of speech: verb prove in spanish: probar, pronunciation: pruv part of speech: verb attest in spanish: dar fe, pronunciation: ətest part of speech: verb exhibit in spanish: exposición, pronunciation: ɪgzɪbɪt part of speech: verb, noun march in spanish: marzo, pronunciation: mɑrtʃ part of speech: noun certify in spanish: certificar, pronunciation: sɜrtəfaɪ part of speech: verb demo in spanish: manifestación, pronunciation: demoʊ part of speech: noun shew in spanish: mostrar, pronunciation: ʃu part of speech: verb

Demonstrate antonyms

disprove pronunciation: dɪspruv part of speech: verb confute pronunciation: kənfjut part of speech: verb
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