Demon in spanish


pronunciation: demoʊnioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

demon = demonio, diablo, espíritu maligno. 

Example: Recently parents and concerned citizens have increasingly challenged library books that feature witches, demons and the devil whether in fiction, mythology or mysticism.


» confront + Posesivo + demons = hacer frente a + Posesivo + miedos, enfrentarse a + Posesivo + miedos, afrontar + Posesivo + miedos, enfrentar + Posesivo + miedos.

Example: The film is about one woman who finds the courage to confront her demons and make peace with her past.

» control + Posesivo + demons = controlar + Posesivo + miedos.

Example: She wishes she could control her demons, instead of having her demons control her, she's lost, alone.

» face + Posesivo + demons = hacer frente a + Posesivo + miedos, enfrentarse a + Posesivo + miedos, afrontar + Posesivo + miedos, enfrentar + Posesivo + miedos.

Example: When her attempt at a normal life goes up in smoke, she must come to terms with her half-blood nature and face her demons.

Demon synonyms

devil in spanish: diablo, pronunciation: devəl part of speech: noun monster in spanish: monstruo, pronunciation: mɑnstɜr part of speech: noun fiend in spanish: demonio, pronunciation: find part of speech: noun ogre in spanish: ogro, pronunciation: oʊgɜr part of speech: noun daemon in spanish: demonio, pronunciation: dimən part of speech: noun daimon in spanish: daimon, pronunciation: daɪmən part of speech: noun
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