Demographic in spanish


pronunciation: demoʊgɹ̩ɑfikoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

demographic = demográfico. 

Example: A service profession such as information work is totally dependent on skilled manpower and must look to the major demographic shifts to plan for the future.


» demographic composition = composición demográfica. [Características sociales, culturales, económicas, etc. de los individuos que forman un determinado grupo de población]

Example: In order to find out the needs of users the librarian must carry out questionnaires and surveys and study demographic composition so as to be able to formulate a library profile.

» demographic projection = proyección demográfica.

Example: Given the demographic projections for the next decade, many academic institutions will turn to off-campus programmes as a means to redress declining enrolments.

» sociodemographic = sociodemográfico.

Example: This cross-sectional, interview-based survey aimed to assess the use of licit and illicit substances in terms of gender & sociodemographic factors.
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