Democracy in spanish


pronunciation: demoʊkɹ̩ɑθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

democracy = democracia. 

Example: One obligation resting upon every public institution in a democracy is that of standing ready at all times to render an account of itself to the people.


» along the path of democracy = por el camino de la democracia, por el sendero de la democracia.

Example: He was once feted by the West as the arch-moderniser who would guide his country along the path of democracy.

» electronic democracy (e-democracy) = democracia electrónica.

Example: Electronic democracy (e-democracy) generally takes the form of Web sites devoted to providing information on politics and encouraging democracy and the democratic feelings of the general public through the Internet.

» parity democracy = democracia paritaria.

Example: The issue of gender of representation remains important since a parity democracy has never actually been realized in the European Community.

» popular democracy = democracia popular.

Example: It is also commonly believed that the origins of the public library movement testify to the power of popular democracy in this country.

» pro-democracy = pro-democracia.

Example: That's because a central staple of American domestic propaganda about its foreign policy is that the nation is 'pro-democracy'.

» travesty democracy = democracia falsa.

Example: This travesty of democracy is the cause of our economic woe.

Democracy synonyms

republic in spanish: república, pronunciation: ripʌblək part of speech: noun commonwealth in spanish: mancomunidad, pronunciation: kɑmənwelθ part of speech: noun

Democracy antonyms

autocracy pronunciation: ɔtɑkrəsi part of speech: noun autarchy pronunciation: ɔtɑrki part of speech: noun
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